This scroll is read aloud on Purim.
What is the Megillah of Esther?
These gift packages of food are given to friends and family on Purim.
What are Mishloach Manot?
The king’s adviser who plotted against the Jews.
Who is Haman?
It’s traditional to wear these on Purim.
(What are costumes?)
The city where the Purim story took place.
What is Shushan?
The Megillah is read this many times during Purim.
What is twice?
The four mitzvot of Purim include hearing the Megillah, giving Mishloach Manot, having a feast, and this fourth act.
What is giving tzedakah?
Haman’s plan was to do this to the Jewish people.
What is destroy them?
This triangle-shaped Purim treat is said to resemble Haman’s hat.
What is Hamantaschen?
In this country, some Sephardic Jews have a tradition of burning an effigy of Haman.
What is Spain?
This Persian king made Esther his queen.
Who is King Ahasuerus?
This special Purim meal is celebrated with food, drink, and joy.
What is the Seudah?
Haman was hanged on a gallows he built for this person.
Who is Mordechai?
Some say we wear costumes to hide this, just like Esther did at first.
What is Jewish identity?
In this country, children go around collecting candy while dressed in costumes, like trick-or-treating.
What is Israel?
This relative of Esther refused to bow to Haman.
Who is Mordechai?
On Purim, it’s customary to increase this emotion.
What is happiness or joy?
Esther risked her life by approaching the king without this.
What is being summoned?
The noise-makers used to drown out Haman’s name during the Megillah reading.
What are graggers?
This Purim celebration, called "Fasching," is a mix of Jewish and German carnival traditions.
What is in Germany?
The Megillah is one of these five books read on Jewish holidays.
What is a Megillot?
Some say it's a mitzvah to drink wine until they can’t tell the difference between these two phrases.
What are 'Blessed is Mordechai' and 'Cursed is Haman'?
Haman cast lots (Pur) to determine this.
What is the date to destroy the Jews?
The name of this Purim play often performed by children.
What is a Purim Spiel?
The Jews of this North African country celebrate Purim a month later if the main holiday falls in the first month of Adar.
What is Tunisia?