The scroll we read from on Purim
What is Megillah Esther?
The food named after Haman.
What are Hamantaschen.
This surrounded the city of Shushan.
What is a wall?
The Jewish woman Achashverosh married.
Who is Queen Esther?
The meaning of the word Purim.
What is “lotteries?”
The Hebrew month that Purim falls out on.
What is Adar?
Haman’s relationship to Mordechai before they arrived in Shushan.
What is a slave?
The country Shushan was the capitol of.
What is Persia?
The guards who plotted to kill Achashverosh.
Who are Bigsan and Seresh?
They wrote the Megillah.
Who are Mordechai and Esther?
The Purim custom that might lead to not recognizing friends.
What is dressing up?
Haman’s first major advice to the king mentioned in the Megillah.
What is killing Vashti?
The king of Persia who lived in Shushan.
Who is Achashverosh?
Esther asked Mordechai to make sure all the Jewish people did this before she went to the king’s private room.
What is to fast?
He is Esther and Achashverosh’s son.
Who is Darius/Daryavesh?
The four mitzvot of Purim.
What are the Megillah, eating a meal, gift baskets, and charity?
Haman had this many kids.
What is 11?
The modern day country sharing the same location as Shushan.
What is Iran?
The reason Haman hated Mordechai beyond all the other Jews.
What is Mordechai not bowing?
The reason Haman thought Adar was the perfect month to eradicate Jews.
What is Moses’ death on 6 Adar?
Cities that celebrate Purim on a different date.
What are walled cities?
The amount of years Jews lived in Shushan between the two temples.
What is 70 years?
He is not mentioned in the Megillah once.
Who is G-d?
This year we are celebrating this number Purim.
What is the number 2379?