The Hebrew Word for Lottery
The Amount of Days that Achashverosh's first feast/party lasted
180 Days
Haman's Other Name
Amount of Mitzvos for Purim
HAman's Method of Picking the Date of the Jews Being Killed
Doing a Lottery
The Hebrew Word For Grogger/Noise Maker
The Name of Achashverosh's Two Servants Who Tried To Kill Him
Bigtan and Teresh
Esther's Other Name
The Amount of Brachot that the Ba'al Koreh Recites Out Loud
We Traditionally Say the Names of Haman's Sons in One Breath To
Show That They Were All Hanged At the Same Time
The Hebrew Word for Turn Over
The Height of the Gallows That Hanged Haman and His Family
Fifty Amot (About Seventy Four Feet)
Zeresh in מגילת אסתר
Haman's Wife
True or False: The Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot Can Only be Done on Purim day
True (Just Purim Day, NOT IN THE NIGHT)
The Amount of Pesukim in Meggilat Esther
The Hebrew Word for Costume
The Powerful Object That Was Passed From the King to Haman and, Later, From the King to Mordechai
The Royal Stamp Ring
Modechai's Other Name
The Amount that One is Required to Give for Matanot L'evyonim
Machloket: (One Coin/Must Give Enough Money to Buy A Meal With)
The Hebrew Word for Drunk
The Place That Mordechai Lived after Haman was hung by Achashverosh
Haman's House
Achashverosh's Seven Closest Advisers
כּרשנא, שתר, אדמתא, תרשיש, מרס, מרסנא, ממוכן
True or False: Seudat Purim's Mitzvah is With Wine and Not any Alchohol
True (You can't get the Mitzvah with Alcohol, Just Wine gives you the Mitzvah)