What is Esther's other name
How long was Achashverosh's first party for the שרים, עבדים, and חיילים?
180 days
How many major mitzvos do we have on Purim? What are they?
1. Mishteh
2. Matanos L'evyonim
3. Mishloach Manos
4. Megillah
How were Mordechai and Esther related?
What color was Esther's skin?
What שבט was Mordechai from?
What was special about the כלים people were drinking from at the משתה?
They were the כלים of the בית המקדש
How much is one required to drink on Purim?
Until they can't tell the difference between ברוך מרדכי and ארור המן
Why was Vashti punished?
She forced Jewish women to do מלאכה on שבת and didn't let them dress tzniusdik (also she told Achashverosh to stop the rebuilding of the בית המקדש)
Shaul HaMelech and Agag the Amaleki
Who was Vashti's great grandfather?
Nevuchadnezzar Melech Bavel
What יום טוב was the last day of the Shushan משתה on?
Yom Kippur
How many foods, brachos, and friends do you need for Mishloach Manot?
1. At least two foods
2. Can be the same bracha
3. At least one friend
How tall was the gallows Haman built for Mordechai?
50 amos high
Who was Esther's son?
Daryovesh II
What was Haman's original job?
What did Esther eat at her first Mishteh?
Nothing, she was still fasting
What extra bracha do we add to bentching on Purim?
Al HaNissim
Why was Haman mourning when he went to Esther's second משתה?
His daughter dropped "garbage" on him thinking he was Mordechai and then jumped out the window and died
How did Esther keep track of Shabbos?
She had seven maids and each one worked one day a week (the ones who were there during the week thought she was always very productive while the one who was there on Shabbos thought she was always lazy)
What are the names of Haman's ten sons?
Who told Achashverosh about the gallows Haman built at Esther's second Mishteh?
What's one פסוק that everyone says out loud during the Megillah reading?
איש יהודי
ומרדכי יצא מלפני המלך
ליהודים היתה אורה
בני המן
כי מרדכי היהודי משנה למלך
Why didn't Mordechai want the Jews to fast for three days when Esther told them to?
She set the fast to begin on 13 Nissan so they would be fasting on Seder night.
Who was Hasach?
The messenger who delivered letters between Mordechai and Esther (and some say he was also Daniel)