What is the Mitzvah called where you Give food to friends and family?
Mishloach Manot.
what do you do when you hear Hamans name?
Boo him.
where did the Purim story take place?
The Purim story took place in Shushan.
who is Vashti?
the old queen.
what is the Mitzvah called to give to the poor?
Matanot L'evyonim.
what do you do when you hear King Achashverosh's name?
how did Achashverosh chose his queen?
he held a contest to see who is queen.
who tried to kill Achashverosh?
Bigtan and Teresh.
name 1 of the prayers you do before reading the Megillah?
shehecheyanu. Mikra Megillah. Bazman Hazeh.
what do you do when you hear Mordecai's name?
Take a sip of wine.
how did Haman Die?
Haman got hanged.
How are Mordecai and Ester related?
they are cousins.
what is the prayer Located in Beerkat Hamazon that you sing in Purim? (hint you sing it on Hanukkah)
Al Hanissim.
what is it called when you confuse Mordecai being good with Haman being bad?
It is called Adloyada.
How long was Achashverosh's party?
6 months. (180 days)
what is the name of Hamans wife?
What are all of the Mitzvot for Purim?
Mishloach Minot, Matanot La'evyoninim, Mishteh or Mikra Megillah.
What do you do when you hear Hamans wife's name?
You Hiss when you hear her name.
How long was the Purim story?
9 years
name 2 of Hamans sons.
Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai or Vaizatha.