This Persian king ruled over 127 provinces.
What is Achashverosh?
The story of Purim is read from this scroll.
What is the Megillah (Megillat Esther)?
Haman was angry because this person refused to bow to him.
Who is Mordechai?
Many people wear these on Purim.
What are costumes?
In this city, Purim is celebrated one day later than in most places.
This queen was banished for refusing the king's command.
Who is Vashti?
This Purim mitzvah involves giving gifts of food to friends.
What is Mishloach Manot?
Haman cast this to determine the date of his plot.
What is a Pur (lot)?
This triangular pastry is traditionally eaten on Purim.
What is a Hamantaschen?
This Purim-like holiday was celebrated by Persian Jews for a miraculous rescue.
What is Purim Meshulash?
This Jewish woman became queen and saved her people.
On Purim, we give charity to at least two people in need, called this.
What Mutant La Evyonim?
Haman's plot was foiled when Esther invited the King and Haman to this.
What is a banquet?
The custom of making noise during the Megillah is done when this name is mentioned.
What is Haman?
This European country is famous for its carnival-like Purim celebrations.
What is Italy?
This villain plotted to destroy the Jews.
Who is Haman?
The festive Purim meal is called this.
What is Seudat Purim?
This person revealed Haman's evil plot to the king.
Who is Esther?
Purim is often celebrated with fun and humor, partly because the story shows this hidden force.
What is Haman's hidden presence?
A unique Purim celebration called "Shushan Purim" is observed in cities that were this.
What are walled in the time of Yehoshua?
Haman was a descendant of this ancient enemy of the Jews.
Who is Amalek?
The Megillah is read on these two dates.
What are the 14th and 15th of Adar?
Haman was hanged on a gallows meant for this person.
Who is Mordechai?
The Megillah does not mention this name, even though He orchestrates the events.
What is Hashem (God)?
The longest Megillah in the world is found in this country.
What is Israel?