Who was the Queen of the nation of Israel married to the King of Persia?
Why did the King of Persia call for a new Queen/Wife?
Vashti disrespected him by not coming when he called for her.
What is "Mishloach Manot"?
Basket with food for friends and family
How many times is God mentioned in the Megillah?
not even once
What month is Purim in?
The month of Adar, 12th Month
What was Esther's Hebrew name before it was changed?
Where was the King's Palace located? (city)
Who tried to have the King kill all the Jews?
What did Mordechai tell Esther not to tell Achashverosh?
That she is not Jewish
During a leap year, how many months of Adar are there?
What was the name of the King of Persia?
According to the Purim story, what did Mordecai refuse to do?
Bow down
What was the name of the Esther's cousin?
What did the Queen of Israel request when she invited Haman and The King of Persia to her banquet?
That her people, the Jews, be spared
What did the Queen of Israel command the Jews to do after finding out that they were about to be Killed?
Fast & Pray for 3 days & Nights
Who was the original wife of the King of Persia?
How many provinces did the King of Persia Reign over?
Over 127 Provinces
Why was the Esther in the care of her Cousin Mordechai?
She was an orphan
What does Purim mean?
Lots (as in a lottery)
If the Queen of Israel approached the King uncalled, she could only live if he did what?
Held out his Golden Sceptre
What is Matanot Le'evyonim?
Tzedakah and/or food for the poor.
How do you say scroll in Hebrew?
How many times do we read the Megillah (Scroll of Esther) on Purim
How did Haman determine the day the Jews were to be abolished?
He cast lots
How is Megillat Esther different from the Torah?
God is not mentioned in the Megillah.
One scroll handle on a megillah.