Creator of this Universe
Who is Ishvara?
Lighting a lamp at home is considered...
Very Auspicious
Your personal GOD you feel close to.
What is an Ishtadevtas
Which God has the Dash avatars
The consort of Bhrama
Who is Sarasvati
Places: Chidambaram, Kalahasti, Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvanaikoil, Kanchipuram
Where are the 5 temples to represent each of the elements?
To bow to an elders feet
What is prostrating
A GOD that the entire family adopts and prays to for blessings
What is Kula Devata?
Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.
What is the order to the universal cycle?
Represents 8 different types of wealth.
What is Ashta Lakshmi?
The name in SANSKRIT for the 5 elements.
Space- Aakasha / Air- Vaayuh / Water- Agni / Fire- Aapah / Earth- Prithvi
What are the Pancha Mahabutas
What is the prayer room similar to
The Guest Room
A GOD that the entire village decides to pray to/ presiding deity of the village.
What is a Grama Devata?
_____ and _____ go hand in hand because you can not destroy without power or weapons.
Who are Shiva and Parvathi?
The Plant form of Lakshmi
What is Tulsi
_______ and _______ do not rule any Zodiac signs.
Who are Rahu and Ketu?
How many beads are in a Japa mala
108 beads
Who is the son of Vaayu and Anjana
Which Navagraha is represented as:
Color - Red
Gem - Ruby
Grain - Wheat
Who is Surya Devata?
Symbolises Vishu, the sustainer. There are 19 varieties of this item. Found from the river Gandaki in Nepal.
What is a Saligrama
Both the male and female entities of Ishvara.
What is Ardhanarishvara?
What does wearing a tikka show
______ is a visual symbol, usually geometric shapes that represent Ishwara and _______ is a worship involving elaborate rituals.
What is Yantra and Tantra?
Creates a horoscope based on the positions of celestial objects at the time of a person’s birth.
What is Jyotisha?
Represents the Vedas.
What does each one of Brahma's faces represent?