Sequence Text Structure
Central Idea & Details
Idioms & Multiple Meaning Words
Author's Claim

What does "sequence" mean?

in order


What is central idea?

The main point of the text. What the text is mostly about.


What does it mean if a word is a multiple meaning word?

A word that can have more than one meaning.


What is an author's claim?

what the author believes and wants to convince the reader


What is the conflict in a story?

The main problem that happens


What is text structure?

How the passage is organized, built, or put together.


Central idea could also be called _______ _______.

main idea


What is an idiom?

A phrase that has a different meaning from the literal words


True or false: an author's claim is a fact and should be agreed upon by everyone.

False- an author's claim is their opinion, and not everyone has to believe the same idea


What is the plot of a story?

The events that make up a story

What happens in the story

Name one way an author might show that a text is using sequence text structure.
Labeled steps, numbers, transition words (first, next, then, last, later, once, finally, etc.)

Information that supports the central idea of a text is called a _________ __________.

supporting detail (or key detail) (or relevant detail)


Rocky stayed home from school because he was feeling under the weather.

What does the idiom "under the weather" mean?


Authors use reasons and evidence to support their claim. What is "reasoning"?

Why the author believes their claim is true


What is the resolution in a story?

How the conflict (or problem) is solved


Sarah is painting her house. First, she went to the store and chose the color of paint. She picked a light yellow paint. Next, she bought paint rollers and trays. Once she got home, she put on her old clothes and began painting the walls. The next day, the paint had finally dried. Sarah loved the new look!

What was the second step in Sarah's painting process?

She bought paint rollers and trays.


Habitat for humanity is an organization that builds and fixes houses for people in need. The houses are constructed by volunteers, so they are less expensive to construct. Habitat for Humanity then sells the houses to families in need for much less than houses would normally cost. The organization does not profit from the sale. Habitat for humanity has built 800,000 homes since it started in 1976. About 4 million people have been helped by the organization.

What is the central idea?

A) Habitat for Humanity helps many people

B) Habitat for Humanity sells cheap houses

C) Habitat for Humanity has built 800,000 homes

A) Habitat for Humanity helps many people


My group left me high and dry to finish the group project alone.

What does the idiom "high and dry" mean?

left alone with no help


Claim:  4th grade should have extra recess.

Reason: We work hard every day.

Give two pieces of evidence to support the author's claim and reasoning.

examples of hard work we do in 4th grade


Gracie and Eve are twin sisters. Eve wants to borrow Gracie's new blue sweater to go to a movie, but Gracie is not home to ask. She knows Gracie is planning on wearing the sweater for school pictures in the morning, but Eve promises herself to be careful and return the sweater unharmed. "Gracie will never know," Eve thinks. At the movie theatre, Eve trips and spills her large soda all over herself. The blue sweater is stained!

What is the conflict in this passage?

Eve spills her soda all over Gracie's sweater and stains it.


Sarah is painting her house. First, she went to the store and chose the color of paint. She picked a light yellow paint. Next, she bought paint rollers and trays. Once she got home, she put on her old clothes and began painting the walls. The next day, the paint had finally dried. Sarah loved the new look!

How does the author show sequence text structure?

The author uses transition words such as first, next, once, and finally.


Minecraft is a video game designed for players to build worlds using three-dimensional blocks. There are many different ways to play Minecraft. You can play in Multiplayer mode with others. You can also play in Survival Mode where you collect resources and build structures in order to survive. You can use your creativity to build your own world from scratch. These are just a few of the many ways one can play Minecraft.

What is the central idea?

There are many ways to play Minecraft.


The painter toiled around the clock to finish his painting by the end of the week.

What does the idiom "toiled around the clock" mean?

Worked everyday with very little breaks


Come up with a claim about school uniforms.

Bonus points if you can also provide a reason and at least one piece of evidence.

answers will vary


Gracie and Eve are twin sisters. Eve wants to borrow Gracie's new blue sweater to go to a movie, but Gracie is not home to ask. She knows Gracie is planning on wearing the sweater for school pictures in the morning, but Eve promises herself to be careful and return the sweater unharmed. "Gracie will never know," Eve thinks. At the movie theatre, Eve trips and spills her large soda all over herself. The blue sweater is stained!

How could the conflict in this passage be resolved?

Answers will vary.
