"Put Away"
Peace Wreckers 1
"Put Away"
Peace Wreckers 2
Bible Drama:
Jehovah Guides Us in the Way of Peace
"Seek Peace and
Pursue It"... 1
"Seek Peace and
Pursue It"... 2
Safeguard Our
"United Bond
of Peace"! 1
Safeguard Our
"United Bond
of Peace"! 2

Gossip requires a ___________ and a ______________.

Hint - Proverbs 17:4

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Harmful Gossip




Whose example should we NOT follow of Dishonesty?

Hint - Dramatic Bible Reading

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Dishonesty

Laban with Jacob


Lesson from Jonah...

Jonah was given a message to proclaim. Courage to speak out boldly concerning Jehovah’s judgements against those who oppose his sovereignty.  

Jehovah protects those who trust and obey Him. If Jehovah has asked you to do something, if he’s leading us, he absolutely will guide us through it.


Peace with our brothers is needed to have....

Talk - Seek Peace - By Apologizing

Peace with God.


The pursuit of peace requires...

Hint - 1 Peter 3:11

Hint - Piece of paper/$100 bill that flies away

Talk - Seek Peace - By not quickly taking offense

...requires effort. it.

Our peace with our brothers is far more valuable than paper or money. When our peace with our brothers or sisters is blown away by misunderstanding, mistakes, or sin, then we should pursue peace and try hard to get it back.


Conscience is...

the faculty that helps us determine right from wrong.


What should be our main concern/goal?

Hint - First question

To please Jehovah.

Use Bible principles to help you know what will make Jehovah happy.


How do we battle and conquer envy?

Hint - 2 qualities

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Envy

Humility - A humble person looks out for others. He doesn't feel that he deserves more than others.

Contentment - a content person is satisfied with what he has.  He doesn't compare his privilege or his possession with another person privilege or possession.  He's content.  


Inappropriate Boasting is...

Hint - Proverbs 27:2

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Inappropriate Boasting

Praising oneself.

Self-Praise is an evidence of pride that causes one to elevate himself above others.


Lesson from King Hezekiah

Trust in Jehovah

Instead of trusting in himself – he continued to look for Jehovah as the Source of true peace even as an attack seemed imminent.

When we face situations that seem impossible, as in the case with Hezekiah, we have the ability to tap into the most powerful force there is!


A chance to forgive is a chance to....

Hint - Celia told Emily while sitting in the car

Talk - Seek Peace - By Forgiving Freely

to imitate Jehovah and we wouldn't want to miss that opportunity.


Whose good example should we follow of Forgiving Freely?

Hint - Starts with J

Talk - Seek Peace - By Forgiving Freely



The word translated "uniting bond" can also be translated ____________.

Hint - Ephesians 4:3 Study Note

Hint - Starts with L

Ligament - a strong tissue that hold our bones together.

Peace is the ligament - It's the tissue that holds God's people together.


Following your feelings isn't the same as following a....

Hint - fourth question

Bible-trained conscience.

Our conscience needs to be trained in harmony with Scriptural principles.


How do we put away dishonesty?

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Dishonesty

By sticking to the truth even in small things.


How do we keep away harmful gossip?

Hint - Proverbs 15:28

Hint - Luke 6:31

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Harmful Gossip

Before we say bad things about others, we need to meditate.

Golden Rule - This means showing empathy, putting ourselves in the place of the other person.


Lesson from Josiah...

We will have to stand up for pure worship just like Josiah, and this will be unpopular. But with Jehovah on our side, we can face those situations with confidence. He’s all powerful, and he’s going to help us through it.


Whose good example should we follow in using the Gift of Speech Wisely?

Hint - Isaiah 61:1

Talk - Seek Peace - By using our gift of speech wisely

Jesus used his speech to encourage and comfort others.

Jesus showed discernment in all he said and did.


Who is an eyewitness to everything?

Talk - Seek Peace - By Not Quickly taking offense


The peace of mind that we can have knowing that Jehovah is an eyewitness to all that happens. So when falsely accused or when we have a misunderstanding that we cannot seem to clear up, it is of great comfort for us to know that Jehovah was there that day and saw the whole thing.  We don’t need to take offense at every negative thing that is said or done around us or feel we have to defend ourselves as being right on every occasion.


If we are the type of person who is often stumbled by what other do, what should we do?

Hint - second question

Ask Jehovah to help us gain a more balanced viewpoint.


One way to maintain unity is to respect... 

the conscience of others. 


Whose example should we NOT follow of Inappropriate Boasting?

Hint - Esther Chapter 5

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Inappropriate Boasting

Ha'man was hateful and arrogant.  And he was plotting to kill Jehovah’s faithful servant Mordecai. But his scheme and his attitudes were exposed. And what happened?  The very stake that Haman had built to hang Mordecai on he was hung on.  


How do we keep away inappropriate boasting - self-praise? 

Hint - Proverbs 27:2

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Inappropriate Boasting

By giving praise and thanks and honor to Jehovah for our accomplishments and by commending our fellow workers for all the good qualities they have and for how Jehovah is suing them in his service. 

By doing so, we will preserve our precious possession of peace with Jehovah and with our brothers.


Lesson from Daniel...

Daniel acted on Faith and had courage.

Jehovah will always be with us as long as we have faith in him.


What scripture states - "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely..." "Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same."

Talk - Seek Peace - By forgiving freely

Colossians 3:13


Who should apologize?

Hint - Matthew 5:23, 24

Talk - Seek Peace - By Apologizing

If you know someone is upset with you, we want to take the initiative to approach our brother/sister.

Peace among fellow believers is more important than proving who is right and who is wrong.


Things that can impact someone's conscience...

Our upbringing

Our culture

Our personal history


What must elders be careful of doing when providing counsel?

Hint - third question

Being careful not to insert their personal opinion into the discussion.

Elders should simply help the publisher to reason on the basic principles and let him/her make up his/her own mind.


How do we put away Uncontrolled Anger?

Proverbs 25:28

Proverbs 17:14

James 1:19

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Uncontrolled Anger

First, we need to recognize the danger of uncontrolled anger.

Next, we must pause and deal with the anger before it causes us to do something that we will regret.

If we ask Jehovah to help us, he will help us see the facts of the matter, show understanding, and then put away uncontrolled anger.


Whose example should we NOT follow of Uncontrolled Anger?

Talk - Peace Wreckers - Uncontrolled Anger

Simeon and Levi, sons of the patriarch Jacob. 

When they learned that their sister, Dinah, was violated by a man named Shechem, they took their anger too far. It was uncontrolled.


Lesson for us from all these examples...

We may find our peace threatened, our very lives might be on the line.  In that moment, we can turn to Jehovah God in prayer, opening up our hearts, confident that He will support us.



How does Proverbs 19:11 help prevent quickly taking offense?

Talk - Seek Peace - By Not Quickly Taking Offense

Use insight to slow down anger & overlook offense if possible


Why is it challenging to use our gift of speech wisely?

Proverbs 12:18

Proverbs 18:21

Talk - Seek Peace - By using our gift of speech wisely

Because something powerful constantly works against us - Imperfection.

The tongue is powerful.  It can do much good, but because of imperfection, it can also cause much harm.  Words have power so we need to be careful of what we say and how we say it.

In addition to inherited imperfection, our upbringing can also be a factor.


4 qualities to help us maintain unity.

Hint - Ephesians 4:2






What are the 4 questions to ask ourselves when we're called upon to make any difficult decision?

What will make Jehovah happy?

How might my choice affect others?

Have I asked for counsel?

Did I take the time to meditate prayerfully before making my decision?


Whose example should we NOT follow of Harmful Gossip?

Talk - Symposium - Peace Wrecker - Harmful Gossip

The older men of the Jerusalem congregation explained to Paul that some Jews had spread a rumor among Jewish Christians that he had been teaching an apostasy, speaking against the Law of Moses. 

Of course, this was a twisting of the facts. Paul never spoke disrespectfully of the Law.


Whose example should we NOT follow of Envy?

Talk - Symposium - Peace Wreckers - Envy

Joseph's brothers

Korah, Dathan & Abriam toward Moses & Aaron in the congregation of Israel


Scripture this Bible Drama was based on...

Hint - on the program


In what ways can we use our gift of speech wisely?

1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14

To "build one another up."

To offer specific, genuine commendation

To provide much needed encouragement to others - sympathetic words, kind words.


Name of main sisters in Symposiums

Talk - Videos in Symposiums

Haley, Emily, & Celia


What scenarios were used by Brother Splane that could have different viewpoints?

Entering a church for a wedding or funeral or as part of a tour

Use of Blood fractions

Drinking Alcohol

Counting service time while waiting


If we are having a hard time getting along with someone, what should we ask Jehovah in our prayers?

Instead of asking Jehovah to change that person, we should ask Jehovah to mold us, like the Great Potter he is.  

We should ask Jehovah to show us why He drew that person the congregation.
