Be Ready to Share "The Good News of Peace"
Young People - Choose a Path that leads to peace!
Video - How our Brothers are enjoying Peace despite...
Baptism Talk - Go on Walking "in the way of peace"
Saturday AM ?'s
More Additional Saturday AM ?'s

2 ways to keep your ministry FRESH...

Hint - Different Forms of Ministry?

Symposium - Maintain your zeal

1. Instead of having a number of phone calls that go unanswered, which is similar to having no one at home when in the door-to-door work, change the time of day for witnessing when more people are home.  

2. Participate in various forms with ministry.  House to House; Cart; Metro; Business; Letter writing; Phone Witnessing; Informal


Full-time service is not just 1 thing, it could include what 3 other things?

1. Pioneering

2. Assisting with theocratic construction projects

3. Submitting an application for bethel service


What do we learn from...

(Enjoyed Peace Despite... Illness)

Let yourself feel those feelings but control your thoughts and your actions

Focus not on herself but on helping others

Having good friends by our side


Who publicly dedicated their life to Jehovah at this convention?

Brother Jayden Paez


Who is flying in midheaven according to Revelations 14:6?

Symposium - Take the initiative

When we’re in the preaching work, whether it’s informal or formal door-to-door, the ANGELS are the real reapers.  

At least one is nearby.  What a profound thought! 

They are the real harvesters; they are the ones directing us to the “rightly disposed” people. 

Don’t ever forget that.


According to Matthew 6:26 - Jehovah feeds the ___________ and clothes the ______________

Talk - Young people

Birds & Lillies

Jesus was trying to reason that just as Jehovah provides for all of his creations, he can provide for you too! We just need to develop our faith that Jehovah will provide the things we need if we put his service first.


4 techniques used by the couple in the video to fan the coals and regain their fiery zeal.

Symposium - Maintain your zeal

1. Pray to Jehovah

2. Did research for suggestion to invigorate their ministry - meditating on examples

3. Kept their ministry fresh - changing time & method

4. Set goals - Share in ministry with someone specific & talk about encouraging subjects


3 obstacles (challenges) that could prevent you from starting or continuing on the path of full-time service

1. Financial Concerns

2. Pressures from others

3. Unexpected Challenges


What do we learn from...

(Enjoying Peace Despite... Illness)

Did research

Talk to Jehovah, Cry to Jehovah, Ask for his peace

Asked the elders for help

Seek Medical help


1st point - Why is it important that we do not give up on walking in Jehovah's way of peace?

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Your life depends on it. Allow Jehovah to guide your steps.

Because being one of Jehovah's Witnesses requires that we remain active and persevere in the way of peace.

Because of our love for Him and we know any trials and obstacles we face now are 'momentary and light' when compared to an eternity in God's new world.


What do all these brothers/sister have in common?

Hint - Title of Video...

Brothers and sisters blessed by Jehovah with Peace despite trials.

All trusted in Jehovah.

James 5:11 - We consider happy those that have endured.


You will need to readjust your actions and thinking from time to time.  CO said that they could either serve as a _________ or a ____________

Hint - both start with P... 

Talk - Baptism

a prison or a passport

a prison, in that our thoughts and actions can confine or restrict us

or a passport, in that they can take us where we need to be


Paul's words at 1 Corinthians 3:6 shows that more is required than simply planting a seed of truth. What important role did Apollos have?

Symposium - Follow up on Interest

Keeping the soil moist by constantly watering it.

Water an interested person with the water of truth from God's Word at the most convenient time for them, not us.

Share a scriptural thought at each visit to provide just enough to keep their spiritual soil moist.


1st obstacle - How can someone overcome the challenge - How am I going to support myself?

Planning ahead & develop practical skills  

Jehovah expects that we’re going to use the things that he’s given us to be able to support ourselves. So it’s very wise when you’re young to plan ahead so that you can obtain the skills you need to be able to support yourself.


What do we learn from...

(Enjoyed Peace Despite... Natural disaster)

Was prepared for Natural Disaster

Obeyed directions

Prayed to Jehovah

Listening to Jehovah's Guidance

Knows peace is on the inside and that comes from Jehovah


According to Ephesians 4:23 we must "continue to be made new in our dominant mental attitude", meaning what by dominant mental attitude?

This involves our thoughts - what we allow our mind to dwell on.  

One’s thoughts and motivations.  It’s what moves us to act the way that we do.  

Our goal as baptized servants of Jehovah is to gain a dominant mental attitude that aligns and is in harmony with God’s thoughts.


Who is Sister Gloria interviewed during the baptism talk married to?

And what was a scripture that helped her to adjust her personality to keep peace?

Brother Samuel Herd of the Governing Body

Romans 12:18


Trials reveal our _____________

Talk - Young People - Choose a Path that leads to peace!



What does Jesus example of informal witnessing to the Samaritan woman at the well teach us?

John chapter 4

Symposium - Take the Initiative

Verse 7 - Even if you're tired, you're thinking of others and want to take the opportunity to start a conversation

Verse 9 - Don't judge people by what you see - based on their culture or color of their skin

Verse 24, 25, 26 - Don't rush into things.


2nd obstacle - How to overcome pressure from other?

Colossians 4:6

Explain your spiritual goals in a calm, respectful way.

Put a little salt on those words so that you can reason with them and help them to see the wisdom of the decision that you want to make.


What do we learn from...

(Enjoying Peace Despite... Opposition)

Prayed to Jehovah

Meditating on Jehovah's Word and His promises

Showed kindness to his persecutors


2nd Point - How does walking in Jehovah's way bring us peace?

Hint - Compared the path, or journey, taken on the road to life with a literal road - 3 similarities

Have boundaries - obeying Jehovah's laws and principles protect us and give us inner peace.

Have a purpose - enable movement - make continual spiritual progress

Have a destination - goal of enjoying a peaceful friendship with God forever.

Stay within the boundaries on the road to life. Remember, you’re walking with a purpose, and that will lead you to your destination – peaceful friendship with Jehovah forever.


Scripture that states that Jehovah does not forget the number of return visits we make and he does not forget how many bible studies we conduct.

Just kidding - Scripture states that Jehovah does not forget your WORK, your EFFORT, and the LOVE you showed for his name.

Symposium - Maintain your zeal

Hebrews 6:10

Jehovah values our work in the ministry regardless of the response we receive.


How does Paul describe himself in 1 Corinthians 3:10?

Talk - Symposium - Prepare Well

Skillful Master Builder

That is because he was engaging in a spiritual construction work to build Christian disciples.

But to build effectively, we must know how to use our tools well. Especially our principal tool - 'God's Word'


Lessons 7 to 11 of the Enjoy Life Forever! Book highlight what to help our student grow to spiritual maturity?

Symposium - Help Student Grow to Maturity

Lesson 7 - Jehovah's loving ways

Lesson 8 - How to become Jehovah's friend

Lesson 9 - Power of Prayer & Regular Bible reading

Lesson 10 - Attend Congregation Meetings

Lesson 11 - Personal Study


Scripture that says NO PAIN - NO GAIN...


Just kidding - Scripture states - "But let endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything."

Hint - 3rd obstacle - Unexpected challenges

James 1:4

If we endure even during periods of trial and when we reuse to give up, we become stronger. We become stronger in our spirituality and our relationship with Jehovah – our love for him, our faith in him, our trust in him just continues to grow. As James says there in verse 4, we become complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything. 


What do we learn from...

(Enjoying Peace Despite... Economic Problems)

Focused on serving Jehovah

Not too proud to do humble work

Having a good sense of humor


3rd point - In order to continue walking in Jehovah's way of peace, we need to readjust our actions and thinking, what are some areas that we might need to make adjustments? 

Hint - 2 Corinthians 13:11 gives us 3 things to continue to...

1. Continue to rejoice - Focus on joy rather than sadness - Don't let negative thoughts restrict or limit your progress.

2. Continue to think in agreement - We're wise to abstain from promoting our personal opinions.

3. Continue to live peaceably - Let your spiritual qualities shine through

Keep making any needed adjustments in your thoughts, attitude, and actions so that you can maintain peace with Jehovah and peace with others.


What did we learn from the 3 young people in the video?

Hint - Related to how to overcome the 3 challenges/obstacles... 

Talk - Young People - Choose a Path that leads to peace!

Harley’s choices allowed him to go to Bethel and helped him to feel that Jehovah really loved him. 

Anjil’s choices took courage, but those choices helped him to be more concerned about other people and helped his relatives to see that he had made a good decision. 

And Carlee did not give up when the trials came. Instead, she learned to love other people even more and become a more powerful, strong Christian. 


Specific things we can do to prepare well before we preach? Initial call, return visit, & Bible study...

Symposium - Prepare Well

Initial call - Use sample conversation & Opening words are most important

Return visit - Have an objective in mind; Answer the thought provoking question left at initial call; Goal - Start a bible study

Bible study - Prepare with our student in mind; Pray for Jehovah's blessing on the preparation;
