How many miles can a bee fly per hour
What is 15 miles
At the North Pole all directions point?
On which instrument is a nocturne usually played
What character was buzz light year based off of
What is a G I Joe character
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What is in search of lost time
how much flower vists require to make 1 pound of honey
What is 2 million
Where is the largest pole located
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What nationality was the composer Carl Weber
What is German
which astronaut was buzz light years name inspired by?
Who is buzz Aldrin
How many hours is the longest time someone spent reading
What is 215hr 2 sec
How many eyes do bees have
What is 5
How many poles are their in the ghost busters hideaway?
What is the term that means unaccompanied singing
What is A cappella
What is 15
What is one book is Banned in canada with the word summer in the title
What is this one summer
What five letter word follows hyacinth in the th name of the world’s heaviest species of flying parrot ? The kakapo is the heaviest parrot species but flightless
What is Macaw
How many poles are in tipis
What is 15-25
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What number is buzz in the top 20 greatest Pixar characters
What is 1
What is number 11 for the worst rated books of all time
What is reapers creek
Birds have been found to use items that contain a harmful substance in it for their nets to scare off predators what is this item?
What is ciggy bums
Where is the nearest pole dancing lesson place from our house
how many stings does a harp have
What is the name of buzzs spider from home alone
What is Axl
What is the most popular book in the world
What is the bible