Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Higher Learning
The Eyes Have It
Who Am I?
What's In A Name?
This New York station has been featured in many movies, and videos. It houses Hercules, Minerva, and Mercury statues, as well as the Michael Jordan Steakhouse.
What is Grand Central Station.
The title of this category was also a 1995 movie directed by this person.
Who is John Singleton.
Where can the mAC team find an IRIS template?
What is mAC Sharepoint Page (under Task Resource).
This member of our team is smart as a WIP and is a fan of the house of mouse, but not his Florida residence.
Who is Lina Vega.
“Who Knew” this colorful singer’s real name is Alecia Beth Moore.
Who is Pink.
Taxi fares this amount ($) and over require imaged docuentation if on PwC business.
What is $75.00.
Where can you find your own CPE history?
What is My KCurve>> MyLearning>> History Report
How can I remove an opportunity in IRIS?
What is Set the status to 'withdrawn' and select "Duplicate or Mis-Entry".
A 27 year veteran of PwC, this lady changed her name following her divorce, but not to her maiden name.
Who is Donna Marabella.
Eric Marlon Bishop is best known for his Oscar winning acting abilities but you could also add singer, songwriter and stand-up comedian to his list of talents.
Who is Jaime Foxx.
This PwC preferred rental car company once featured O.J. Simpson running thru the airport to get his rental car.
What is Hertz Rental Car.
How many annual hours must a PwC employee be scheduled to work to be eligible for tuition reimbursement?
What is 1,000 hours.
Where can one obtain all of the QRCs, training materials, and updates for IRIS?
What is The IRIS- US Spark page.
Now that the grunge days have passed this PwC employee has a South Park character as his look-a-like on his Spark page.
Who is Heath Breneman.
This Michael Douglas is not the star of Fatal Attraction, but he has been seen driving the batmobile, or sometimes tormenting his landlords in Pacific Heights.
Who is Michael Keaton.
If an auto accident occurs while on firm business, which PwC department should be called as soon as possible?
What is Operational Risk. THIS IS DOUBLE JEOPARDY- see host for question
The documents that must be included w/a tuition reimbursement request are:
What is grade report, school invoice, evidence of payment or deferment.
Name the minimum amount of info needed to create an account in IRIS?
What is account name & address info.
I am a perky Georgia Tech fan and just love having the opportunity to work with y’all.
Who is Amy Henderson.
You may have seen Sir Krishna Pandit Bhanji in Night at the Museum 3 or Exodus but he won an Oscar in 1982 which made him a household name.
Who is Sir Ben Kingsley.
This New York station named after a state serves over a half a million commuter rail and Amtrak passengers a day.
What is Pennsylvania Station (Penn Station).
Where can you find CPA License Numbers?
What is CPA Credentials Tracking System.
The 3 types of IRIS account statuses.
What is Temporary Prospect, Prospect and CFC-Contracting Firm client.
I am a survivor of the 93 WTC attack (SalomonSmithBarney) and my husband is a survivor of 9/11 (Morgan Stanley).
Who is Lisa Torain.
“At Last” Jamesetta Hawkins altered her first name in order to create her stage one.
Who is Etta James.