This is the type of consolidation that takes place over minutes or hours.
What is synaptic consolidation?
Someone who is concerned with the psychological study of language is in this field.
What is psycholinguistics?
While flashbulb memories do not significantly differ from everyday memories in the accuracy of the details, it does differ in that flashbulb memories show a lack of decline across time for these two qualities of memory.
What are vividness and belief (confidence)?
Gestaltists would call the process of changing the representation of a problem this.
What is restructuring?
This disorder typically tied to localized brain dysfunction is a difficulty in language comprehension (though language production might be intact).
What is Wernicke's aphasia?
This is when the context of encoding and retrieval are matched.
What is encoding specificity?
This term refers to the meaning of words.
What is (lexical) semantics?
Presenting this to participants in memory research often leads to a misinformation effect.
What is misleading postevent information (MPI)?
We often have to overcome this to solve a problem, where a person responds in a given manner based on experience.
What is a mental set?
This hypothesis explains that flashbulb memories are a result of repeated viewings/hearing/retelling of events.
What is the narrative rehearsal hypothesis?
This type of memory is outside of our conscious awareness, and often results without our effort.
What is implicit memory?
This is the perception of individual words in spoken language, even though there are often no pauses between words.
What is speech segmentation?
Jacoby et al.'s (1989) becoming famous overnight study was evidence for memory failure because of this process.
What is source monitoring?
When we use a solution from a similar problem to guide us in solving another problem, we are using this process.
What is analogical problem solving (or analogical transfer)?
This is the control process that enhances retrieval by using meaning and connections to help transfer information to LTM.
What is elaborative rehearsal?
In Craik & Lockhart's (1972) study on levels of processing, this is the task condition that resulted in what they called the shallowest processing level.
What is the physical features (or capital letters) condition?
This model of parsing proposes that semantics, syntax, and other factors operate simultaneously to determine parsing.
What is the constraint-based model of parsing?
This increase in confidence is due to getting positive feedback about your identification of a criminal suspect.
What is the post-identification feedback effect?
Research tells us that experts differ in problem solving from novices in these three major ways.
What are knowledge, organization, and analysis?
This is the term for when a person's mood is the same at encoding and retrieval, resulting in better memory.
What is state-dependent learning?
In the serial position curve, this effect is relies on STM.
What is the recency effect?
Rayner & Duffy (1986) showed that people had longer first fixations and gaze durations on words that occurred less often in the English language, providing evidence that attention was at play in this effect.
What is the word frequency effect?
Brewer & Treyens’ (1981) “wait in the office” study was evidence for this type of memory error.
What is schema-based false memory?
Argued to use insight, this type of thinking in problem solving requires something new and different to achieve the goal.
What is productive thinking?
This type of memory involves mental time travel.
What is episodic memory?