What is the output?
print (3/2)
Which data type stores letters, numbers, and symbols.
What is a string?
To comment a line in Python, you use this/these character(s).
What is a pound/hashtag sign (#) ?
This operator "glues" two strings together.
What is the concatenation (+) operator?
What is the output?
print ("3" * 2)
Which data type stores decimal numbers.
What is a float?
This commonly used Python data structure contains a collection of items referenced by a numeric index.
What is a list/array?
print (x[4:])
What is the output?
print (12 % 5)
x = True
print (type(x))
<class 'bool'>
What does the variable i stand for in
for i in range (0, 10):?
x = "dra"
z = "xan"
y = "ale"
What does print (y+x+z) display
What is the output?
print (12 // 5)
What is 0 and 10 in:
for i in range (0, 10)?
0 is the start point and 10 is the end point
The rules of the language
What is the output?
print (3 + 5 ** 2 - 20)
To determine the length of a string you would use this function
What is len()?
Where do we store the count in for loop?
for i in range (0, 10):
In the variable called i