Checks if a condition is true then runs the code inside.
What is an if-statement?
A container, represented by a brief phrase, which can hold any value or object.
What is a variable?
The method that lets you print text or variables to the console in Python.
What is print()?
The keyword used to import a library in python.
What is "import"?
The symbol used to create a comment in python.
What is #?
A loop which repeats a set amount of times.
What is a for loop?
A letter, word, or phrase surrounded by quotation marks ("")
What is a String?
The method that allows the user to input some value and assign the input to a variable.
What is input()?
The line of code that allows you to call a random integer number from within a set range of values.
What is random.randint(min,max)?
The word to check if two conditions are true in an if-statement.
What is "and"?
A loop that repeats until a condition is no longer true
A variable type that is binary (can either be True or False and nothing else)
What is a boolean?
The name of the location where the text from print() and input() is displayed.
What is the console?
The correct way to react if a cyberbully tries to target you online.
What is blocking and reporting?
Secondary conditional linked to an if-statement that the program runs if the first check was false.
What is elif:?
The set of characters to check if two values are equal to each other.
What is ==?
The set of characters to make a string automatically go to the next line.
What is \n?
The shorthand for turtle.forward()
What is turtle.fd()?
The symbols to divide two values and round the answer to a whole number (no decimal places).
What is //?
What is a forever loop?
The method to convert an integer number value to a string
What is str()?
The library that enables the use of cprint()
What is termcolor?
The line of code used to clear all text in the console.
The place you can find the documentation for any method or program, the solution to (nearly) any problem, and helpful examples for code.
What is the internet/google?