Car Wash
Lift / ECC

What is the easiest way to deal with a blue wash card issue?

2 answers

What is

If the customer claims card does not work, verify the on the terminal inside if it works, go out and assist customer at code box. 

If it doesn't work inside when swiped, you can replace


What do I do, Car Wash not working at 5:00 pm? 

or its a weekend? 

What is 

Emergency Procedures Flip Chart 

Call Elation 

Do a RentCafe with as many details as possible and make sure to put your name on it. 


Can I listen to music while at work?

Can I talk on my Cellular device?

Can I watch a movie?

Can I wear ear buds? 

What is

 No, not while working

Yes, when on break for your 20 minutes 


What is proper times for Breakfast food on the Hatco? 

What is 

Breakfast Sandwich 2hours

(Most) Hot Snacks/Burritos 3hours

Hashbrowns 4hours

Pizza 1.5hours

Apple Pies 5hours


What is our base shift goal lift number?

What is 

at least 100 per shift for now we do need to strive to get to 40% or higher as a store. 


What is the responsible way to deal with someone who has a red carwash card needing to convert over to the Blue Card? 

What is 

if you ask them how much they believe is on it and they give you a reasonable response such as 2,1,3, and sometimes 4-6 you can give them a new blue, but if they don't know and say they still have a number larger than six you will have them come in to see the GM between 8am-1pm in the morning, write number on back of the red card and write the employee name on it. Place in the red basket in the drawer.


What do I do for a Tornado / Severe Weather?

Where is the best place to take shelter in a storm?

What is 

Emergency Procedure flip Chart 

Stay Aware

Restrooms is the best place to take shelter.

If you plan to take shelter or close the store you must notify management as you are completing this process. 


How long are breaks and when/when can I take them?

What is

Breaks are not to exceed 20 minutes and should not be taken with in 1-2 hours of the start or end of your shift.

Be conscious of your fellow employees. Do not take a break if the store is busy and you are leaving the short handed.  


What is proper time for Hatco Lunch?

What is 

Lunch Sandwich 1.5hours

(Most) Hot Snacks / Burritos 3hours

Pizza 1.5 hours 

Pretzel 3hours

Cheese 12hour for 3days 

Apple Pies 5hours 


How do I get lift points?

What is 

Paying attention to the lift screen in front of you,  Adding to customer benefits, offer the customer a deal



What is the location of both buttons to open the carwash door if someone is stuck in the carwash?

2 answers

What is 

1. on the right side by the exit of the soft gloss carwash 

2. on the left side of the exit of the touchless carwash


Where are the locations of our Fire Extinguishers?

How do you use it?

What is 

Back storeroom / Office

Exit Door

Mop Room

On the front of the building 

Pull pin aim at base of fire and figure 8 


Can I eat the Food that we have scanned out as stale?

What is 

NO, per policy all food, expired products need to be destroyed.


What is the cooking time for Hot Dogs?

How long can they be on the Roller Grill?

What is 

Cooking time 45minutes

Roller Grill Time is 5hours


What are 4 of the items that you can get lift points for?

What is 


Red Bull







What is the process to deal with a carwash damage claim?

7 steps

What is 

1. look at the vehicle.

2. check carwash for damage. out of order signs, and cones in front.

4. take pictures of vehicle and where damage is said to have occurred as well as license plate

5. send pictures to, 

6. Give customer tan card that leads them to the linnco. website to file their carwash damage claim, do not give out Scotts information.

7.Place rent cafe ticket including description times and date of claim and make sure it is signed by the person completing so carwash can be thoroughly examined by maintenance 


What is our company policy on safe drops?

What is 

less than 300.00 on 1st and 2nd shift 

200.00 on overnights 

No twenties in the cash drawer must be in lock box but no more than our drop policy.

All 50's and 100's drop in safe before giving change back - Remember to input drop in register when customer leaves! 


The 7 uniform standards are?

What is

Uniform Shirt

Name Tag


No Ear Buds 

No Jeans or Leggings

Proper FootWear

No Hoodies!


What is the proper temp for Hot Dogs on the roller grill? 

How many times a day do we need to do temp checks and log them?

What is 

140 Degrees

Minimum of once per shift. 


What is the purpose for lift?

What is

The purpose for lift is to get interaction between our staff and customers as well as offer our customers some unadvertised deals. This also helps with our ECC and sale goals.


What are the Steps to help a customer that has called and said our code boxes in front of the carwashes are on a different screen then normal?

4 steps

What is 

1. Assess that the code box is actively having an issue. 

2. look at corresponding box for specific error codes/ if error code put rent cafe ticket and close wash down and skip next steps.

3. if no errors and screen is off go to breaker located on the Touch Free side located on the exit side of carwash equipment room and flip breaker let sit for about 5 minutes and flip back on check for results.

4. if flipping the breaker doesn't help after put Rent Cafe ticket in.


Why is it important to tell the customer what their total is?

Why do we count back there change to them.

What is

So that you prompt them its time to pay and they can give you their payment.

So that they cant quick change you, by saying that you did not give them the correct change.


What are the Five Star Check Points?

Parking Lot

Cooler Doors / Store Shelves 

Floors / Register Area




What is the proper way to make a bucket of sanitizer solution and what is the PPM as well as how often does it need to be made?

What is 

Mix Water and sanitizer in the sink to the proper 200 PPM of then scoop your bucket of sanitizer out of the sink. Make sure you have pre wet your rag in plain water before placing it in the bucket.

Every 4 hours and log it.


What is one of the easiest thing to suggest to our customers as an ECC. 

What is 

A Car wash / Car Wash Card / Car Wash Unlimited.
