Context Clues
Figurative Language

Which words in the following sentence should be capitalized?

we went to disney world for vacation.  

"We" and "Disney World" should be capitalized.


Using context clues, what does the word "enormous" mean in this sentence? What is a context clue that gives it away?

The enormous elephant walked slowly across the field.

Enormous = Huge


What type of figurative language is used in the following sentence?

The clouds are as fluffy as cotton candy. 



What type of conflict is this:

Sarah is trying to decide whether to tell the truth or lie to her parents. 

Character vs. Self


Who is the protagonist in a story?

The main character or hero


Is this sentence a complete sentence or a fragment? Why?

Running through the park on a sunny day.

It is a fragment because it lacks a subject and a complete thought.


Based on the sentence, what does the word "glistening" most likely mean? What is a context clue that gives it away?

The glistening water reflected the bright sunlight as the boat floated by.

Glistening = shiny


What is being exaggerated in this hyperbole?

I’ve told you a million times to clean your room!

How many times they have told someone to clean their room


What type of conflict is present in this sentence?

The hero battles against an evil villain to save the city. 

Character vs. Character


In a story, what is the role of the antagonist?

To create conflict or oppose the protagonist


Identify the part of speech for the following word in the sentence below:

The playful puppy chased the ball quickly across the yard.

Chased = Verb


What does "indifferent" mean in this sentence? What is a context clue that gives it away?

Even though the game was exciting, Mark was indifferent and didn’t seem to care who won. 

"Indifferent" means not caring or having no strong feelings.


Identify the type of figurative language used in the sentence below:

The wind whispered softly through the trees.



Identify the conflict in this scenario:

A powerful storm is approaching, and the townspeople must evacuate before it hits.

Character vs. Nature


Which part of the plot diagram introduces the characters and setting?



Combine these two sentences into one using a conjunction: 

The sky turned dark. A storm was coming.

The sky turned dark, and a storm was coming.


What does the word "procrastinate" most likely mean in this sentence? How do you know?

Julia tends to procrastinate and put off doing her homework until the very last minute.

 To delay or postpone


What type of figurative language is this?

Time is a thief that steals our moments of joy.



What type of conflict is shown in this example?

Lina struggles to keep up with the constant pressure of living in a society where perfection is expected at all times.

Character vs. Society


At which point in the plot diagram does the protagonist face the greatest challenge or conflict?



Identify and correct the run-on sentence: 

I love reading books I don’t have time to read every day, but I try to make time when I can.

I love reading books, but I don’t have time to read every day. I try to make time when I can.


Based on the sentence, what does "meticulous" mean? What is a context clue that gives it away?

The artist was meticulous, paying close attention to every detail in her painting, ensuring everything was perfect. 

"Meticulous" means very careful and precise, paying attention to details.


Identify the figurative language in this sentence and explain its meaning:

The teacher's words were a soothing balm to the worried students.

This is a metaphor. 

It compares the teacher's words to a soothing balm, meaning her words made the students feel calm and comforted.


Which type of conflict is represented in the following situation, and why?

Mark was determined to finish the race, even though his body was exhausted and every muscle ached.

This is Character vs. Self because Mark is battling his own physical limits and determination to continue despite his exhaustion.


In a story where the antagonist is a natural disaster, like a hurricane, how does the protagonist's struggle during the rising action lead to the climax?

During the rising action, the protagonist might prepare for the hurricane by gathering supplies or trying to protect their home.
