there are 50 of these in the U.S
What is the amount of states in the United states of america
People who took the long voyage to what is now known as America in search for religious freedom
what are the Pilgrims?
The united states of America wanted its Independence from Great Britain for these reasons.
What is, the tea act, the stamp act, the Sugar act, the Boston Massacre?
Black people, people of color and women delt with this issue before, during and after the civil war
what is discrimination? What is prejudice?
a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
What is an entrepreneur?
the largest of the 7 continents
This ended up killing many of the native Americans after the Colonist arrived
What are, new sicknesses that the colonist brought to the new land?
To stop spending your money at certain business or stop your support of something because you do not agree with their actions
What is Boycotting
This line became the new marker for where you could own slaves and where you could not own slaves
What is the Missouri Compromise
a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
What is a philanthropist?
There are 7 of these on Earth
What are, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Antartica and Oceania (Australia)
This person maintained control over the colonizers for the 1st 150 years that they were in the new world
The king of England
To have a King or Queen ruling your country is to have a monarchy to vote for your elected officials is to participate in
What is a Democracy
What is saving/restoring the union?
When a group of people join together to fight for better condition in their work place or government.
What is a union
After succeeding from the United states Union at the start of the this part of the united states became known as the confederacy
The first written agreement about governing in the new land signed while voyagers were still on the ship
what is The Mayflower compact?
This document was signed on July 4, 1776 and notified the King that the united states no longer wanted to be a colony of Great Britain.
What is the Declaration of Independence
This documentation freed the slaves in the Confederate states but not in the union states
The Emancipation Proclamation
oil, steel, transportation, electricity are all examples of
States have representatives based on their population, during Election time we use these representatives to cast votes for the President based on who the majority of the states population voted for
What is the Electoral college
East coast
Many Colonist fell into one of three categories when it came to their opinion toward the King of England and The United states having their Independence.
What are moderates, loyalist, and patriots
when the Civil war ended freed Black people were promised this so that they could attempt to collect wealth in the way white people had, but they never truly got it.
What is 40 Acres and a mule?
make sure you register for one of these if you ever invent something
what is a patent