C2M Fundamentals
Account Access
Basic Gas and Water

A customer is calling for their account number. What zone(s) would you find the customer's account number?

Current Context zone

Customer Information zone

Billing History zone

Full Context (Dashboard) zone


An person is calling to set up a Payment Arrangement for their friend's account. The individual is NOT on the account. Can they create a payment arrangement for the account?

No, they cannot.


Where do we service sewer? (Counties/cities)

Marion County. Westfield.

Within Marion County, the exceptions are Speedway, Beech Grove, Lawrence


A customer is calling about a checkered fire hydrant. Who owns those hydrants?



In C2M, where do we go to see what services the customer is billed for?

SA Premise List zone

Account Tree tab - Under Premise

Premise Tree tab - Under Account - SVC SP


Customer is calling because they need their services on for a medical condition. What should you do?

Ask customer to have their physician (who must be licensed) send in documentation stating the specific reason for the request and the service type requested to remain on. This information may be emailed to customercare@citizensenergygroup.com or faxed to 317-927-4360.


Explain the purpose of the Dig-Indy project.

Indy’s solution to reducing combined sewer overflows into area waterways by up to 97 percent, and keeping the utility in compliance with a Consent Decree with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


In what counties (or cities) do we service gas?

Marion County

Hamilton County (Westfield ONLY)


In C2M, where do we go to see a breakdown of all bills and payments on an account?

Account Financial History zone

Bill/Payment Tree tab


A person indicates they are over the age of 65. They are calling today because they have a hard time reading their bills. What should you do?

Update their Person Characteristics. Add a Senior Citizen characteristic (over 65). 

Add Large Font Communication (to increase bill font size)


Explain CEG's service line responsibility. Gas? Water? Sewer?

Gas - responsible for everything up to the elbow joint after the meter. 

Water - responsible for only the meter on the customer's property. The customer is responsible for everything else on the property.

Sewer - Customer is responsible for everything on the property.


A customer recently got married and needs their name updated in C2M. What do you do?

Transfer the call to a Senior Rep (Q3) to have the information verified. 


Customer has not received a bill in recent months. Where can I go to see how AND where a bill is sent to a customer?

Account ID Context Menu - Persons tab - Bill Route (Email or Postal)

Account ID Context Menu - Persons tab - Address Source


Customer needs to update their mailing address. How do we complete this process?

1) Add overriding mailing address to the Person - Correspondence.

2) Under Account ID context menu - Persons tab, update the "Address Source" to Person


If a customer calls inquiring about removing their septic tank for CEG's sewer system, what should we do?

Transfer the call to New Services


If you are going to be absent or tardy while working in the Contact Center, what should you do?

Call the absence line (Operational Queue Line) - (317)927-6437


In C2M, where do we go to see if a customer’s services are on or off?

Premise Tree tab - SVC SP - Install Event

Premise Tree (Dashboard) zone


Customer wants to add a Power of Attorney to their account. What should we do?

Direct the customer: The POA must submit a notarized legal document to CustomerCare@CitizensEnergyGroup.com stating they are the POA of the active customer


Where does CEG get their natural gas?

CEG - Texas

Westfield - Canada


Who is the "Manager" of the Contact Center?

Randy Rollins
