Weight of the World
The Tools of Science
Force and Acceleration

a) an identifiable collection of matter.

b) anything that has a shape.

c) a physical body.

What is an object?


Test results and/or observations that may either help support or help refute a scientific idea; based on a pattern in the data; empirical, measurable, observable, repeatable, recorded, documented, proof.

What is evidence?


His formulation of the three laws of motion—the basic principles of modern physics - and the development of the theory of gravity. 

What is Isaac Newton most famous for?


the maximum extent of size and the direction of an object; a measurement of how large a quantity is; a measurement of size or intensity; the quantitative measure or size of a physical quantity, such as length, time, or force; a common factor in vector and scalar quantities.

What is magnitude?


Villain arms a bus with a bomb that will explode if it drops below 50 miles per hour. 

What is "Speed"?


a) anything that takes up space and can be weighed.

b) something that has volume and mass.

c) a substance made up of various types of particles that occupies physical space and has inertia. 

What is matter?


a) representations of objects, structures, systems, or events that are used as tools for understanding the natural world; a representation of a particular observable phenomenon.  

b)  a physical, conceptual, or mathematical representation of a real phenomenon that is difficult to observe directly. 

c) used to explain and predict the behavior of real objects or systems.

d) best are approximations of the objects and systems that they represent. 

What is a scientific model?


Woolsthorpe, England in 1643

Where and when was Isaac Newton born?


any object upon which the only force acting is gravity; any object that is launched with an initial velocity and follows a trajectory under the influence of gravity; any object that is cast, fired, flung, heaved, hurled, pitched, tossed, or thrown.

What is a projectile?


Dom decides to take Brian, a newcomer to street racing, under his wing. Dom and his rival Johnny Tran are both the prime suspects in a case involving dirty money and big-rig hijacking.

What is "The Fast and the Furious"?


The Gravitational force with which the Earth attracts the masses towards its center; the force which acts on a body or object due to the effect of gravity.

What is weight?


a) a quest to find the answer to a question using the scientific method. 

b) a process of finding the answer to a question using various research methods. 

c) a procedure of asking questions and then testing probable answers. 

d) the collection of primary data while undertaking laboratory experiments, including the use of appropriate digital technologies, fieldwork, and surveys. 

e) how scientists do research that provides an answer to questions and helps us resolve problems. 

What is a scientific investigation?


It is said and regarded as historical (but unauthenticated), that he did it in 1665 or 1666 after watching an apple fall and asking why the apple fell straight down, rather than sideways or even upward. 

What is the legend of how Isaac Newton formulated gravitational theory?


the speed and the direction of motion of an object; the rate of change of the object’s position with respect to a frame of reference and time; a vector measurement of the rate and direction of motion;  basically speeding in a specific direction.

What is velocity?


A retired master car thief must come back to the industry and steal fifty cars with his crew in one night to save his brother's life.

What is "Gone in 60 Seconds"?


The measure of the amount of matter in an object.

What is mass?


1. Observe phenomena.

2. Ask questions.

3. Form a hypothesis or testable explanation and make predictions.

4. Research.

5. Test.

6. Collect data.

7. Analyze data.

8. Draw conclusions.

9. Reflect and iterate (use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions).

10. Ask Wonder questions and determine next steps.

11. Communicate and share.

12. Record observations, questions, notes, reflections, and next steps in Science Notebook.

What is the Scientific Method?


A fluid whose viscosity is not affected by shear rate: all else being equal, flow speeds or shear rates do not change the viscosity; fluids that do not change viscosity when force is applied; includes air and water.

What are Newtonian fluids?


the rate of change of velocity with respect to time; a change in speed and direction; increasing and decreasing speed.

What is acceleration?


The movie where characters say:

Maverick: "I feel the need ..."

Goose: "... the need for speed!"

What is "Top Gun"?






Bose-Einstein condensates 

fermionic condensates

What are the states of matter?


A potential answer or claim to a question about the natural world that can be tested by observations or experiments.

What is a hypothesis?


fluids such as ketchup, whose thickness and flow characteristics change dramatically during processing when force or temperature changes are applied; a fluid that does not follow Newton's law of viscosity.

What are non-Newtonian fluids?


mass times velocity 

p = m v

mass in motion

the measurable quantity of movement in a body or object and is used in science to define the quantity of motion.  

What is momentum?


What is "2001 A Space Odyssey"?
