The declension of Fenestra, fenestrae, f.
What is 1st declension?
ancilla, ancillae, f. as "for the maidservants"
What is ancillis?
"For him"
What is "Ei"?
habeo, habere, habui, habitum as "we are having"
(pronoun included)
What is nos habemus?
sum, esse, fui, futurum as "I am"
(pronoun included)
What is ego sum?
The conjugation pattern of venio, venire, veni, ventum
What is 4th conjugation?
Ostiarius, ostiarii, m. as "the doormen"
What is ostiarios?
"By them"
What is Eis?
saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatum as "you all are being greeted"
(pronoun included)
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratum as "we are being counted"
(pronoun included)
What is nos numeramur?
The declension of liber, libri, m.
What is 2nd declension?
Atrium, atrii, n. as "by the hall"
What is atrio?
"it" (d.o.)
What is id?
pareo, parēre, parui, paritum as "You are being obeyed"
(pronoun included)
What is tu pareris?
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptum as "she takes up"
(pronoun included)
What is ea sumit?
The conjugation pattern of pono, ponere, posui, positum
What is 3rd conjugation?
pater, patris, m. as "the father's"
What is patris?
sum, esse, fui, futurum as "They (f.) are"
(pronoun included)
What is eae sunt?
Carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptum as "it is picking"
(pronoun included)
What is id carpit?
The declension of mater, matris, f.
What is 3rd declension?
arbor, arboris, m. as "the trees" (D.O.)
What is arbores?
"of the (things)"
What is eorum?
accuso, accusare, accusavi, accusatum as "I am being accused"
(pronoun included)
What is ego accusar?
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptum as "They (m.) are being taken up"
(pronoun included)
What is ei sumuntur?