Which number President is George Washington?
Which Number President is John Adams?
Marbury v. Madison (1803) establised this power, where the Supreme Court could decide whether or not a law was constitutional.
Judicial Review
Why did the War of 1812 start?
Kidnapping of U.S. Sailors by the British
This device was invented to communicate to others using Morse Code.
George Washington wanted a _________ transition of power between Presidents to prevent fights between candidates.
This act made it so anyone who was not a U.S. citizen had to go back to their home country.
Alien Act
Why did Thomas Jefferson purchase the Louisiana Territory?
Increased access to trade routes (New Orleans)
What were the outcomes of the War of 1812?
- Increased nationalism
- Improved transportation systems
What was the impact on the increase of technology in the 1800's?
Rise of the factory system (machines make things instead of people).
George Washington only served _____ terms as President before retiring, setting an example for future Presidents to follow.
This act made it so anyone who talked bad about the government could be sent to prison.
Sedition Act
Why did people like Alexander Hamilton oppose the Louisiana Purchase?
The Constitution was unclear on whether or not the United States could Purchase the territory.
What did the Americans control that ultimately led to the defeat of the British?
Great Lakes
What was the greatest influence on the factory system in the United States?
Development of interchangable parts. (small parts come together to make something).