Who was most excited to go back to Panama?
the mother
What setting does this poem take place?
Alaskan tundra
The mask is physical and the speaker uses it to protect himself from racial stereotyping.
Let’s ______________________ at a time that’s best for both of us.
Why did the father take them to the beach at the end of the story?
It reminded them of Panama, and it was the closest thing
Which line shows a modern contrast with the traditional setting?
13, son playing video games
What does the mask cover up?
Pain and suffering from mostly racial disparity
What causes Jimmy to become a new man?
Seeing a young woman in Elnore.
When I was 5 years old, I lived a worry-free life.
What is the main conflict throughout the story?
The Toro family’s inability to return to Panamá
Why does the speaker travel to Alaska?
to visit an old friend and her family
What was the social climate like during the time this poem was written?
oppression and discrimination against African Americans
What is the best theme of this short story? Be precise.
People can change, for better or for worse
Polpot of Cambodia had committed some of the most ______________________ crimes against humanity during his reign of terror.
What major event prevents them from going to Panama (the second time around)?
9/11 terrorist attacks
Why does the speaker repeat "Up here"?
it reinforces the bond that the characters have with their natural environment and with the traditional setting or place where they live
Does the speaker seem 'genuine' when he recommends wearing the mask?
Jimmy is comfortable pretending he's someone he's not.
T - he is an actor and swindler (or was) and is trying to change
Provide a compound verb for the subject.
The Grinch
did something and did something
They had left their lives once before. They didn’t want to do it again.
What theme is suggested by these sentences? Answer precisely.
Starting over in a new place is difficult.
A key theme explored in the poem is the impact of
place on one's identity
Why might someone not want to reveal what's underneath the mask? Be precise.
Because they show their hurts and therefore can be taken advantage of by malicious-intending people.
Vocab. When someone freaks out over a trivial issue.
By the end of Liebling's dispatch, Mollie has become a mythic figure invulnerable to death, capable of great feats of courage and __________________, and able to transform himself into any human type for the purposes of disguise.