Extended Response
Textual Evidence
These is a way to define "theme."
What is a "big message" or "idea" in a passage.
Say a claim statement about the theme of conflict.
What is "A prominent theme in the story is conflict."
These are the three things to remember when writing a summary.
What is "main points from beginning to end, short (3-5 sentences), and has no opinion."
One thing that can be inferred about Rodger's income is:
What is "he's poor; or he steals to get what he needs."
Another word for "Textual evidence" is:
What is a "quote."
This is the theme for Q2 in reading class.
What is "Identity + Society"
What are the four parts of an extended response.
What is "Claim, Reasons, Evidence, Conclusion."
What is wrong with this summary: Goldilocks went to the bears' house. She ate their food, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds. Then she fell asleep in Baby Bear's bed.
What is "it's missing the last Main Idea about the end of the story."
What is one thing that can be inferred about the picture Ms. Nordahl shows you.
What is "she/he really likes reading; she's in a reading classroom."
How many pieces of textual evidence do you need in an Extended response?
What is 2 pieces.
This theme in Goldilocks and Three Bears was shown when Goldilocks broke in and used all the bears' items.
What is a theme of "ownership?"
An extended response with a counterarguement is worth this many points.
What is 12 points.
The thing that's wrong with this summary is: Goldilocks went to the three bears' house. She ate their food, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds. She shouldn't have done that because it wasn't hers. Then the bears came home and found her.
What is "it has opinion."
What can you infer about the type of person Goldilocks is?
What is "bold, presumptuous, picky"
What textual evidence supports the idea that Goldilocks was tired. She lay down on the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay on the second, but it was too soft. Then she lay on the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.
What is "Goldilocks fell asleep."
List 3 themes that were in "Thank You Ma'am."
What is identity, relationships, age vs youth, conflict.
The "Mirror" of an introduction paragraph is this paragraph.
What is the "conclusion."
Say an accurate summary for Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.
What is "Goldilocks goes to the bears' house. She eats their food, sits in their chairs, and sleeps in their beds. The bears come back and and are upset to find the things she messed up. Then they find her sleeping in the bed. She wakes up and runs away."
What can you infer about Ms. Nordahl's mood right now?
What is "positive and supportive."
What textual evidence supports the idea that Goldilocks was picky. She lay down on the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay on the second, but it was too soft. Then she lay on the third bed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.
What is "she lay on the first bed, but it was too hard...too soft...just right."
Every story has this number of themes in it.
What is "unknown." There is always more than one theme.
If you don't restate the reason in your conclusion, you will lose this many points.
What is "1 point."
Why does your teacher ask you to write a summary?
What is to show your comprehension; to retell main events without opinion.
What can be inferred about Father Bear in Goldilocks and the three bears?
What is "He's angry, he's protective."
How many pieces of textual evidence should be in a summary?
What is 0!!!