Persuasive techniques
Central Idea
Author's purpose

One word that is a preposition.

(varied. Teacher will verify)


An appeal to our emotions

What is pathos?


The central idea is the __________ ___________ idea in a text.

What is "most important"?


An opposing viewpoint.

What is the counterclaim or counterargument?


Three purposes for which an author writes.

What are persuade, entertain, and inform?


The preposition in this sentence:

The white house on the corner.

What is "on"?


An appeal to our logic or reason.

What is logos?


___________ _________ provide information to clarify, prove, or explain the main idea.

What are supporting details?


A response to the counterargument or counterclaim.

What is a rebuttal?


This author's purpose:

A newspaper article about a recent earthquake.

What is "to inform"?


The preposition in this sentence:

During the fire, I was nervous.

What is "during"?


An appeal to character and credibility.

What is ethos?


When events are arranged in the order they happened.

What is chronological order?


Something we make to persuade others of our opinion or position on an issue.

What is an argument?


This author's purpose:

A book about a magical school for wizards and witches.

What is "to entertain"?


The prepositional phrases in this sentence:

For a thousand years, no one heard from her.

What is "for a thousand years" and "from her"?

The type of persuasive technique used if an advertisement states, 

"Colgate is the toothpaste brand most used by dental professionals"

What is ethos?


Inferences use these two things.

What are "what I know" and "what I see"?


The claim in this passage:

Video games are a form of art deserving recognition. They offer intricate storytelling, immersive worlds, and stunning visuals and soundtracks that engage players on a sensory level comparable to traditional art forms. Despite skepticism, video games have had a profound impact on culture, inspiring countless works of fan art, music, literature, and academic study. It's time to embrace video games as legitimate artistic masterpieces that evoke deep emotions, provoke reflection, and contribute significantly to our cultural landscape.

What is "Video games are a form of art deserving recognition"?


The author's purpose:

Have you seen the dancing show on tv? It is very entertaining. You should watch it because you will see new dance moves. You will like the music, too. Sometimes I like to get up and dance while the show is on. The show is really good and you will enjoy it!

What is "to persuade"?


The function of the prepositional phrase in this sentence (adjectival or adverbial):

The dog jumped up with excitement.

What is "adverbial"?

up with excitement is describing how he jumped


The persuasive technique using facts, statistics, and studies.

What is logos?


The four clues used to find the central idea.

What is:

The title

The first and last sentence

Clue words/ words used repeatidly

Asking, "What is this mainly about?"


The rebuttal of this passage:

Outdoor education offers invaluable learning experiences that enhance students' academic, social, and personal development. Through hands-on activities in natural environments, students gain a deeper understanding of ecological concepts and develop a sense of environmental stewardship.

While some may argue that outdoor education is not as academically rigorous as traditional classroom learning, research shows that it improves academic performance and promotes holistic development. By connecting classroom concepts to real-world experiences in nature, students develop a deeper appreciation for learning and are more engaged in their studies.

What is "research shows that it improves academic performance and promotes holistic development"?


The author's purpose:

Birthdays are celebrated around the world. In the United States, people celebrate with cake and candles. Many other places celebrate with singing songs. In Mexico, a birthday is celebrated with a piñata filled with candy. A person uses a broomstick to hit the piñata. Each of these birthday traditions is a fun celebration!

What is "to inform"?
