Elements of Plot
Perfect Verb Tenses
Point of View
Types of Conflict

In what part of the plot does this event take place?

The Little Red Hen needs help taking the wheat to the Mill to make flour.

Rising Action
Falling Action

Rising Action


Find the verb and write if the verb tense is past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect.

He has eaten chicken every day for a month.

Present Perfect 

Verb = eaten


Name what type of conflict is used in this situation:

Cindy got her test back and started crying immediately. It was a C. Her mother would never stand for Cs. She felt disappointed. She knew that she would be in big trouble. Then Jen got her test back. Jen cheered. She got a C. Her mother would be so proud. Jen had studied hard for the test and she was satisfied with the results. She felt proud.

3rd Person Point of View


Read the book “The Not So True Story Of The Little Red Hen”. Then label the events 1-4 in the order they happened.

____ The Little Red Hen needs help cutting the wheat

____ The Little Red Hen shares bread with her friends

____ The Little Red Hen needs help planting some seeds

____ The Little Red Hen needs help baking the bread

1 The Little Red Hen needs help planting some seeds

2 The Little Red Hen needs help cutting the wheat

3 The Little Red Hen needs help baking the bread

4 The Little Red Hen shares bread with her friends


Read the following text. Which type of conflict does this show:

Alex and Scott are out at sea on a small fishing boat when a large storm hits. After their boat flips over and sinks during the storm, Alex and Scott struggle to make it back to the shore. Just when they think that things can't get any worse, they see a shark fin circling them.

Character vs Nature


In what part of the plot does this event take place?

The Emperor paid for the clothes and put them on for the parade.

Rising Action
Falling Action



Find the verb and write if the verb tense is past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect.

Eric and Susie have wanted to get a dog since they were little.

Present Perfect



Name what type of conflict is used in this situation:

"Ice cream! Ice cream!" I heard the street vendor shouting as he pushed his cart down the block. Ice cream sounded really tasty on a day like this. I plunged my hands into my pockets and examined the contents: one pair of house keys, a pack of gum that was almost empty, and a few coins. I pulled the coins from my pockets and counted them. It didn't take long. 46 cents. I saw a line of children from the neighborhood in front of the street vendor. Each walked away happier than the former. My mouth tasted like hot ashes.

1st Person Point of View


Read the book “The Emperor's New Clothes”. Then label the events 1-4 in the order they happened.

____ The maid was sent to check the clothes, but she couldn't see anything

____ The emperor couldn't see the suit and thought he was bad at his job

____ The little boy shouted that the emperor was wearing silly old pajamas.

____ Two clever but greedy men made a plan to fool the emperor.

1 Two clever but greedy men made a plan to fool the emperor.

2 The maid was sent to check the clothes, but she couldn't see anything

3 The emperor couldn't see the suit and thought he was bad at his job

4 The little boy shouted that the emperor was wearing silly old pajamas.


Read the following text. Which type of conflict does this show:

Marc really needs to pass this next test in order to avoid going to summer school. He knows he can get an A if he studies all night. However, his friends invited him over to play video games. What will Marc do?

Character vs Self


In what part of the plot does this event take place?

The Fox jumped up and touched the grapes with his paw, but couldn't pull them down.

Rising Action
Falling Action



Find the verb and write if the verb tense is past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect.

My cat, Whiskers, has slept the entire day.

Present Perfect



Name what type of conflict is used in this situation:

If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material. Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you additional instruction. You are worth it. Don't give up on yourself.

2nd Person Point of View


Read the book “The Fox and The Grapes”. Then label the events 1-4 in the order they happened.

____ The Fox found some grapes on a vine

____ The Fox gave up and said the grapes were probably sour

____ The Fox tried moving a stone to help him climb and get the grapes

____ The Fox was walking and was very thirsty

1 The Fox was walking and was very thirsty

2 The Fox found some grapes on a vine

3 The Fox tried moving a stone to help him climb and get the grapes

4 The Fox gave up and said the grapes were probably sour


Read the following text. Which type of conflict does this show:

Mowgli is abandoned in the jungle as an infant and raised by wolves. Most of the jungle animals like and help take care of him, but some feel like he doesn’t belong. As he grows up, Mowgli becomes the target of Shera Kahn, the tiger, who hates man. Mowgli has to defend himself against Shera Kahn using man’s ultimate weapon, fire. Ultimately, Mowgli’s friends urge him to return to the man village, where he belongs.

Character Vs Character


Character Vs Nature 


Find the verb and write if the verb tense is past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect.

The family will have traveled to thirty different states.

Future Perfect



Name what type of conflict is used in this situation:

The dog slobbered his huge tongue up Alice's face, leaving behind a sticky trail. "Yuck!" Alice shouted while wiping the slobber from off of her brow. Alice didn't like the dog that her parents got her. She had wanted a cute little dog that could sit in her lap and wear tiny sweaters, not a great big hound that knocked over her dolls with its tail and left drool puddles everywhere. "Go away!" Alice shouted at the great hulking beast. If the dog understood what she was saying, he didn't seem to show it.

3rd Person Point of View


Read the following text. Which type of conflict does this show:

Simba’s uncle, Scar, uses Simba to plot against and kill Simba’s father, then makes Simba think that his father’s death is his own fault. Frightened and ashamed, Simba runs away. When he grows up and learns how bad conditions have become at home, under Scar’s rule, he returns to Pride Rock to confront scar and reclaim his rightful place as king.

Character Vs Character


Find the verb and write if the verb tense is past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect.

We had gone to the store to buy some flowers for my mom.

Past Perfect



Name what type of conflict is used in this situation:

"Jack! Don't forget your coat," Mom shouted down the stairs. "Already wearing it, Mom! Love you!" I shouted back while stepping through the front door. The wind whipped across the street tossing a light spiral of snow through the air. My coat was already zipped, but I pulled it up as high as it would go and buttoned the top buttons. It was just that kind of day. A large snowplow came crashing down the street, sparks flying off of the steel plow as it scrapped the asphalt.

1st Person Point of View

Read the following text. Which type of conflict does this show:

After losing a lawsuit for saving a man’s life, Mr. Incredible is forbidden to work as a superhero anymore. For his family’s well‐being he tries to be a “normal” person, but he wants a different kind of life and he is desperately unhappy. He starts working a second job at night, in secret, being a superhero again with his best friend.

Character Vs Society
