Corning first developed the optical fibers that would pave the way for fiber optics and telecommunications in this year.
What is 1970
Corning opened a new optical cable manufacturing campus to accelerate broadband buildouts in this state on March 29th.
What is North Carolina
This tool is used to track project resource time.
What is Planview
The icon for the SDLC map.
The sun
Meetings held by this body are used to report and receive approval for tollgates.
What is IT Advisory
This invention (1972), created by Corning scientists, is now the worldwide industry standard used in catalytic converters.
What is Ceramic Substrate
These are Corning's five key markets.
What are Optical Communications, Mobile Consumer Electronics, Display, Automotive, Life Sciences
The process used to engage Wipro resources on a project.
What are Form and VMO ticket
The process used to determine potential problems for a project.
What is PPA
The form/group used to communicate projects and Go Live information to the IT community.
What is ITEX (information sessions)
Corning began manufacturing television glass in this year.
What is 1948
The location of the life sciences plant in MA
What is Tewksbury
The template used to inform the service lines of project costs after Go Lives
What is Bill of IT (Run Cost Template)
A project assesses the risk score during these two phases.
What is Initiation and Design
This must be included in project Charter to establish an audience and cadence.
What is a Communication Plan
The Corning scientist that developed the glass ceramics used in CorningWare through an accident.
Who is Dr. S. Donald Stookey
Two of Corning's additional markets.
What are Aerospace and Defense; Interior Architecture; and Optics
A new project in IT should be reviewed by this body of individuals before the project starts.
What is Demand Governance
These are three of the Tollgates.
What are Requirement, Design, Build, Pre-Go Live, and Close
Every project should start with this meeting to communicate scope, roles, and expectations.
What is a Kick-Off Meeting
The first Corning scientist to have received 100 patents while working for Corning.
Who is Dr. George Beall (2004)
This glass product produced by Corning was chosen for Samsung Display's Quantum Dot Displays.
What is Astra Glass
You can get project management help and resources from these two places tied to the PMO COE.
What are Ask a PM Coach and Templates and Checklists (PMO Central)
Capturing and improving on problems encountered during the project is referred to as this.
What is Lessons Learned
This communication to leadership is necessary to get support for urgent issues and roadblocks.
What is an Escalation