Exact Error
Correct Info/Action
Used when the language line is needed but is not utilized.
AF R - language line not utilized when required/needed
Who to contact regarding a Long-Term Disability Claim.
Lincoln KB1115362
The first place a leader of a salaried who did not get paid or was paid an incorrect amount would be directed to.
This info is required when an asc forgot the pin to their Walmart issued device.
The auditor must type this when there is an error given.
Auditor Comment
This will be used when the agent provides the incorrect contact info and/or directs to the wrong area.
R - incorrect referral # or directed to incorrect area
This happens one time per year in the fall.
Annual Enrollment
Where a payroll agent would redirect a caller who wanted to report a non-ethical issue.
Open Door Hotline via Associate Relations: 800-361-0781 KB1142831
The first 3 steps for AE troubleshooting when the pharmacy is unable to access the Connexus or Tasco application on all computers.
1) Description of issue:
2) Troubleshooting performed:
3) Use the http://wmlink/sitecheck tool and paste the output here:
This/These must be selected when giving an error.
Root Cause
This will be used if the CHAT agent has 5 or more grammar/punctuation/spelling mistakes in the chat.
PE - CHAT ONLY: 5 or more grammar/punctuation/spelling
This allows an associate to make benefit election changes outside of their initial enrollment period and Annual Enrollment.
Life Event KB1115436
The default avenue for receiving pay
Live, or paper, checks KB1115363
This must be advised to hourly asc's when removing their 2Step profile.
The section of the audit form an auditor would document that the agent did not use the caller's preferred name.
This will be used if the agent finds the same error in the BOSS & ticket notes.
CA - ticket notes
Where to direct a Canadian caller that needs help with a question about a Deferred Profit-Sharing Plan.
Who is Manulife KB1118880
The article that an agent would use when a caller has questions about a specific item on their paystub.
(Payroll) Paystub Explanations CCS KB1115438
When a store is not able to check out customers on 1/2 or more front end registers including SCOs.
Down Point of Sale KB0061389
This must be selected to complete the audit.
This will be used if the agent did not fully follow dead air guidelines before disconnecting.
CS - dead air guidelines
The PTO topics the Benefits team handles are?
Case logging When engaging Payroll Operations to assist with a reissue.
Agents should reference this article to ensure the correct transfer process is used on each call.
FSS Transferring Calls KB1124122