2a ID process followed correctly
8b Underwriting risk questions/script
3 points of ID for the customer
Building Qs - Air BnB script, Condition (4 points), Business Conducted from home, Unoccupied, Renovation, Claims Q. Motor Q - Damage, Mods, Driving History,
14b Cancellation Underwriting followed
14c Correct Cancellation Code used
Backdated Cancellations
eg never use Total Loss, Not required is only if no longer need to insure that risk
2b Personal Info Disclosed to 3rd Party verbally, 2c Personal Info Disclosed to 3rd Party (written)
Disclosed before ID
Send docs to wrong customer/email/mail
9a Data Integrity - Personal Info captured accurately
9c Joint Policy Holder Process followed
Name DOB email/address/phone/NR details. PH not present when quoting
16a Payments card capture
16b PBTM Auto Canx on reject
16d Recurring Payments
IVR not used/card details read out
Cx not advised of canx effective date/or advised 3rd attempt
DDs set up wrong/delay/hold not applied/incorrect capture of BSB/RN400 allocating
8d Misrep & Disclosure Questions
NB or Endorsement
Decline/cancel or impose specific conditions & Criminal Act Qs
Play MIS on converting to CVN & reconfirm Damage/Use/Driver History
Before starting the Endorsement
15d Customer was not over discounted
17a Refund was processed correctly
eg staff discount and online discount, MPD/CTP
5a Customer purpose process inbound, 5b outbound (Hawking) 5c Cx pressured into a decision
Introducing other products, pressure selling
11a Complaint Acknowledged, 11b Escalated appropriately
11c Complaint Lodged in CWB, 11d Captured accurately
Errors with monetary calc, not lodging, not acknowledging the customer or escalating
18b All related correspondence sent when required/requested and by correct method
not sending docs/ END N and sending via email- attempting to send by post with END Y
8i Insurance Key Scripting - home building calculator
19c Marketing Opt Out Script
At any point in the call
Failed to read
18a Customer correspondence process followed
Failed to confirm email/mailing address
Decline Script - what are the 4 points to be covered
6a Reason 6b in writing 6c refer to ICA 6d Complaint
12a correct info provided product/PDS/claims
12b correct info provided about process
12c Correct policy info given
12d No comment made about other companies
misleading and deceptive
claims/complaints/PBTM etc
eg wrong premium, excess, cover amounts, EP not advised
19a Marketing Consent captured accurately
Not reading Opt out script or recording incorrectly
9d Client Transfer process
9z Correct Policy Process's followed
Using Dulili correctly
LURN/Premium matching/Abort/decline/data cleanse/Authorisation from card holder
9b Policy/Claim information captured Accurately - Data Integrity
Risk Incorrect/Other Party/"U" "X" fields missed, Quote start date, Previous Insurer
7a Call recording disclosure (outbound)
13a No Advice Provided (factual only)
Outbound call recording script
General or Personal advice given
14a Cancellation actioned accurately
wrong policy/date/risk, PBTM not on hold, TL code
4a CEV Process followed
Not following correct process
10b Underwriting Guidelines
10c Embargos
Asking additional Qs high value/old homes, Applying correct procedure for Embargos,
10d Delegated authorities
10e Policy messages
Approval from CSH,
CPO-request sent/DT applied/Price match/Staff discount/Age of home etc
8a PDS Offer Script, 8c RSA Script, 8e END script 8f PBTM script, 8g Verbal PDS, 8j Home Assist script
Any Other Questions & Verbatim /Intent words
15a Sufficient discount applied when eligible
15c Did not apply discount that was advised
MPD/CTP disc
Dani 2000 Points
Which is the best team in Akuna?
The Mighty Minions of course!!!! AKA Akuna Team B