Care & Friendly
First Call Resolution
World Class
Compliance Defects

What type of tone should all agents have in calls? 

  • Use a pleasant positive tone vs. monotone or transactional
  • Your voice should reflect a willingness to help even if this is the 20th call of the day for the same problem 

What 2 things should we NOT do when advising of self service?

  • Do not advise during an opening statement
  • Do not advise before the customer explains fully their current issue

To show World Class Service, how could an agent show genuine empathy during critical moments? 

  • Acknowledge their situation with kindness and understanding when they need it the most
  • Attempt to resolve the source of the frustration (for example, job loss, expression of frustration, loss of a loved one, etc.)

The 3 criteria when opening the call

What is:

  • Answer the call within 5 seconds
  • Identify yourself by name and use Progressive Leasing in the salutation
  • Offer assistance
    • For example, "How can I help you today?"

What a tier 2a?

At the conclusion of every call, the agent must choose the appropriate disposition/wrap-up code.


How could an agent demonstrate confidence in the call?

  • Show customer/retailer champion mentality 
    • For example, " I can assure you that I can get this taken care of for you" or "I know how to get this fixed for you quickly".
A customer with a hard to understand accent calls in. You believe he is asking to set up the 90-day LTO PO. What other steps can you take to ensure you are understanding customer? 
  • Ask probing questions to ensure you understand how to best resolve customer/retailer immediate needs
  • When applicable, repeat the customer/retailer's request to ensure understanding 

How should agents address the customer in the call? 

  • Create a human experience, for example; use their name throughout the call, speak to them and not 'at' them, fill in dead air by making their experience unique, etc. 

How we fully verify a customer and ensure accurate correct contact info

  • Ask for the lease ID or other account info to help assist the customer
  • Identify if you are speaking to the right party, ATP, or UATP
  • Take necessary steps to ensure accurate contact info is on file such as the customer's name, email, phone #, etc.



What is a tier 1e?

All disclosures must be read to the customer clearly, audibly, and at an appropriate pace so that the intent has not changed, as indicated by the procedure.


A customer lets you know how the merchant relayed misinformation to them, how do you handle this? 

  • Do not blame other agents, systems, merchants, or processes when handling issues
    • Use the word "we"; Progressive Leasing is one organization and we handle issues as a whole!

"I am sorry to hear that, but I will make sure we get this resolved."


A customer calls in wanting to know every detail and amount for their lease agreement. At the end of the call, you realized you said 'balance' a few times. Will you get a perfect score under Accurate Info?

No, an agent needs to use all appropriate lease-to-own terminology. 


Should we place a customer on hold when updating CC or simply changing the schedule? 

No, do not unnecessarily or excessively place them on hold.


When closing the call and recapping actions taken, what is one thing an agent should do? 

  • Ensure the following for every call: 
    • All questions have been answered
    • Recap actions taken
    • Clarify that all issues have been resolved

What is a tier 1c?

The customer must verify their identity prior to discussing or taking account actions.


When speaking to a customer, name a couple of things agents should NOT do.

  • Do not speak over them
  • Do not rush them through their explanation

You accidentally read the 90-day LTO PO deadline as 3/1 when it is 3/11, the customer is on the line still. What should you do? 

Correct yourself & advise this to customer. All agents need to;

  • Provide accurate account information to include amounts, processes, time frames, due-dates, and any other vital information on their account during interactions

If we accidentally transfer the call to the wrong department, will that agent still get World Class Service for that call?

No, do not transfer them to another department incorrectly.


When closing the call, how can an agent set expectations? 

  • Educate/inform the customer/retailer on what they could expect until the next call if appropriate
  • Educate them on what they could expect from Progressive Leasing
    • For example; deadlines, time frames, correspondence from Progressive Leasing via mail, email, phone or text, etc.

What is a tier 2L?

When necessary, the agent must appropriately status the account or change the correct fields in TANC (e.g. updating the Assigned User, the primary customer information fields, account status).


An escalated customer calls in very upset and is yelling over the phone. How should we handle this? 

  • Maintain a professional demeanor/attitude when confronted with a difficult situation on the call
    • For example, when you are speaking with an upset customer/retailer, dealing with system issues, receiving phone interference from the surrounding environment, etc

After extending the 90-day LTO PO a few days, the customer still seems weary about this solution. What should you do? 

  • Problem solve to ensure you have resolved the situation with the best solution possible to the customer's/retailer's satisfaction 

Say a customer called in wanting to know 90-day LTO PO deadline and you advised them of that. is there anything else you could do to create a better experience?

Offer to schedule payment to avoid a callback


When closing the call and a customer is now PIF, what could an agent do? 

  • Offer assistance on how to use the application tools to reapply when the customer pays their account in full 

What is a tier 2f?

The agent cannot authorize a customer to make their own recording of a phone call.
