What Surah was named after a Pillar of Islam (Q1)
Qaysi sura Islom rukni sharafiga nomlangan?
Surah Al-Hajj
What is the largest organ in the body?
Tanadagi eng katta organ qaysi?
The skin
Which person owned the most land?
Eng ko'p yerga qaysi odam egalik qilgan?
Genghis Khan
What's the biggest ocean?
Eng katta okean nima?
The Pacific Ocean
There are 4 floors in the hotel. The higher the floor, the more people live there. Which floor does the elevator go to most often?
Mehmonxona 4 qavatdan iborat. Qanchalik baland bo'lsa, u erda shunchalik ko'p odamlar yashaydi. Lift ko'pincha qaysi qavatga chiqadi?
1st floor
What event occurred in the year 6 AH after the Quraysh denied the Muslims umrah? This event is seen as the prelude to the conquest of Makkah.
Hijriy 6-yilda Quraysh musulmonlarning umrani inkor qilganidan keyin qanday voqea yuz berdi?
The Treaty of Hudaibiyah.
Does the Bible allow Christmas Trees?
NO! The Bible actually tells the Christians "Do not learn the ways of the nations --- For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold---".
What was Imam Abu Hanifa's (ra) real name?
Nuʿmān ibn Thābit
How many Sajdah Ayahs are there in the Quran (Q2)
Qur'onda nechta sajda oyati bor?
Fourteen (14)
Why do we see lightning before hearing thunder?
Nega biz momaqaldiroqni eshitishdan oldin chaqmoqni ko'ramiz?
because light travels faster than sound.
-What was the root cause of the cold war?
Sovuq urushning asosiy sababi nima edi?
competition between USSR and USA
What shape is the country Italy in?
Italiya qanday shaklda joylashgan?
A boot
What is the only number that has the same number of letters as its name?
Name at least 3 three things that happened in the year of sorrow.
Qayg'u yilida sodir bo'lgan kamida 3 ta narsani ayting.
The death of Khadija (ra), the death of Abu Talib, the incidents at Ta'if.
Can also include: Abu Lahab becomes the successor of banu Hashim, Abu Lahab removes the prophet's (saw) clan protection, Addas the Christian converts, etc.
Is Christmas really the birth date of Isa (Jesus) ﷺ?
NO! Christmas was actually made a holiday over 300 years after Isa (Jesus) ﷺ. It was actually made to turn a pagan holiday to celebrate the Roman Fictional God 'Mithras' to a Christian holiday to celebrate the birthday of Isa ﷺ.
Complete the hadith: “The most complete of believers in faith are those with the best character, and the best of you are the best in behavior to their . . ."
What prayer has no sajdah, no ruku, but ends with salam (Q3)
Qaysi namoz sajdasi ham, rukusi ham bo‘lmasa, salom bilan tugayd
Janazah (Funeral) Prayer
What makes a rainbow?
Kamalak qanday paydo bo’ladi?
The colors we see in the rainbow are a result of sunlight hitting individual water drops where reflection and refraction of the light gives us a rainbow.
Who did America buy Alaska from?
Amerika Alyaskani kimdan sotib oldi?
What's the deepest part of the ocean?
Okeanning eng chuqur qismi qaysi?
The Mariana Trench
How many minutes are in a quarter of an hour?
Chorak soatda necha daqiqa bor?
15 minutes
Which companion (ra) made hijrah with the Prophet (saw)?
Qaysi sahoba (r.a.) Rasululloh (s.a.v.) bilan birga hijrat qilganlar?
Abu Bakr as-siddique (ra)
ISLAMIC - I never had a mother yet I am the mother of everyone. Who am I?
Hawa (Eve)
Ibrahim AS was referred to as the ______ of Allah (Q4)
Ibrohim AS Allohning __ deb atalgan
Al-Khalil (Friend)
Space travelers from the United States are called astronauts. From Russia, they’re called cosmonauts. Where are taikonauts from?
Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlaridan kelgan kosmos sayohatchilari astronavtlar deb ataladi. Rossiyadan ularni kosmonavtlar deb atashadi. Taikonavtlar qayerdan?
What year did the USSR fall?
SSSR qaysi yili qulagan?
1991 December 26
What country is Mt.Everest found in?
Everest tog'i qaysi davlatda joylashgan?
If you are running in a race and pass the person in second place, what position are you in?
Agar siz poygada yugurayotgan bo'lsangiz va ikkinchi o'rindagi odamdan o'tib ketsangiz, siz qaysi pozitsiyadasiz?
What is it called (in arabic) when the prophet (saw) traveled to masjid aqsa, mounted buraq and ascended the heavens? He (saw) met the prophets (saw) and Allah gave the decree for salah.
Payg'ambarimiz (s.a.v.) Masjid-Aqsoga safar qilib, buroqqa minib, osmonga ko'tarilgan paytlari (arabchada) nima deyiladi? Payg'ambarlar (s.a.v.) bilan uchrashdi va Alloh taolo namozni farz qildi.
Al-Isra’ wal-Mi’raj
Why insects like moths are so attracted to bright lights?
Because for millions of years they used moonlight as a navigation system and bright lights confuse the animals' navigational systems.
Which Surah has the name of Allah in each Ayah (verse)
Qaysi suraning har bir oyatida Allohning ismi bor
Surah Al-Mujadila
What causes the 4 seasons?
Nima sababdan 4 fasl paydo bo’ladi?
Earth's tilted axis causes the seasons. So, when the Earth's axis is pointed towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere.
-When did world war I begin?
Birinchi jahon urushi qachon boshlangan?
What's the capital of Latvia?
Latviya poytaxti qaysi?
What number will decrease by its third(1/3)if it is flipped
Qaysi raqam ag'darilsa, uchinchi (1/3) ga kamayadi
9 Explanation:
What location did some Muslims migrate to? (OTHER THAN MADINA)
Ba'zi musulmonlar qaysi joyga ko'chib ketishgan? (MADINADAN BOSHQA)
Why is celebrating Christmas haram?
OR: Jesus (as) wasn't born on the 25th and it is likely taken from the pagan Mithraic religion.
(RIDDLE) I am a silent obligatory prayer that is in between 2 obligatory prayers that are recited out loud. What prayer am I (Q6)
Men ovoz chiqarib o'qiladigan 2 farz namoz o'rtasida bo'lgan sokin farz namozman. Men qanday namozman
Asr on a Friday
What Makes Flamingos Pink?
Nima uchun flamingolar pushti?
Flamingos are pink from eating algae, shrimp, etc. that contains carotenoid pigments. Basically, they eat food that contains yellow, orange, red and purple color pigments.
What was Spain called under the Muslims?
Musulmonlar davrida Ispaniya nima deb atalgan?
How many oblasts (regions) are in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda nechta viloyat (viloyat) bor
Which disease on earth has no one been sick with?
Er yuzida hech kim qaysi kasallik bilan kasallanmagan?
In which battle did a group of 10,000 Qurayshi polytheists, Jews, Ghatafans and other Arab tribes join forces to fight the Muslims?
10000 kishilik qurayshlik mushriklar, yahudiylar, gʻatafanlar va boshqa arab qabilalari qaysi jangda musulmonlarga qarshi kurash olib borishdi?
Battle of Ahzab/Battle of Khandaq
Who is the president of Turkey (Turkiye)
Recep Tayyip Erdogan