This slogan reminds us to release our worries to our higher power (or Zombie Jesus)
Let Go and Let God
The three sets of 12 in AA
The steps, the Traditions and the Concepts for service.
This step is the only step you must do 100%
Step One
What is the name of the AA Newsletter that is sent out from the GSO?
Box 4 5 9 (after the post office box in Grand Central Station that the GSO uses.)
This person might have been dumb or dumber, but he wised up and got into recovery.
Owen Wilson
This slogan reminds us to accept people, places and things as they are.
It is what it Is. (also acceptable is Acceptance is the Key)
Our Primary Purpose
Tradition 5 - carry the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
This step causes much over-thinking in newly recovering people.
The Fourth Step
This handsome Scot has been sober for over 20 years.
Gerard Butler
This slogan really irritates our friend Robert.
"This too shall pass"
The Only requirement for membership
Tradition 3 - a desire to stop drinking
This step helps one know they aren't "Terminally Unique".
Step Five - when a sponsee and sponsor work this step, the sponsee may find they aren't as bad a person as they think they were.
What is the name of the AA Grapevine Podcast?
The AA Grapevine Half-Hour Variety Hour
She's made her mark in the world (and on people's skin) and now she does it sober.
Kat Von D
What does FEAR stand for?
F*ck Everything and Run or
Face everything and Recover
The Oughts
Traditions 7, 9 and 10
These two steps help one to clean house of the wreckage of the past.
Step Eight and Step Nine
What is the Grapevine/La Vina?
A monthly publication, it is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous
This funnyman decided that "Life is too beautiful" to continue using drugs and alcohol.
Jim Carrey
This slogan reminds us to take things as they come
Take it Easy, Time takes Time, Don't quit before the miracle, Easy Does It
This is the year the 12 Traditions were first printed
This might be the hardest step of all for some folks in recovery.
Step Ten: Continued to take a PERSONAL inventory and when WRONG promptly ADMITTED IT.
Why is the GSO important?
1. It connects groups from all over the world
2. It provides services for solitary AA's as well as those in institutions
3. It listens to the challenges of groups and helps pass good orderly direction from other groups
This Irish Actor does yoga and goes for a walk instead of drinking. He's been doing that for over 10 years now.
Colin Farrell