Self Care
General Mobility

Mr. Pat has no upper body garments but has orders to don a TLSO when OOB and requires MOD A to do so. How would you score upper body dressing? 

3: MOD A is considered a 3 (26-50%)


Is placing a FWW in front of a patient without verbal cues considered "benefit of service"



On Eval, Ms. MJ ambulates 10' with MIN A using the R handrail. When taken off the handrail Ms. MJ was unable to ambulate 10'. How would you score 10'?



On eval, Mr. Juan ascends/descends 12 stairs with B handrails with MOD A. The therapist who was evaluating him requested that a 2nd person be present for safety. How would you score 12 stairs? 

1: TOTAL A because 2nd person was present


Mrs. Roan recently had a craniotomy and is on craniotomy precautions. She requires MIN A for bed mobility when moving to EOB from semi fowler position. How would you score supine>short sit 

88 because the HOB must be flat for QI scoring


On eval, Ms. Demi was scored as MIN A for oral hygiene in sitting. For reassess, Ms. Demi completed oral hygiene in standing requiring MIN A due to infrequent losses of balance with static standing. She completes all other tasks for oral hygiene with set up. 

5: Set Up


On Eval: Mr. Morales has spinal precautions and needs to pick up an object from the floor. How would you score this on Eval? 

On Discharge: You provide Mr. Morales with a reacher and he is able to pick up an object with CS upon DC. How would you score this on DC? 

On Eval: 88

On Discharge: 4 + adaptive equipment


Mr. Catz was admitted post MVA with poly ortho trauma and has bilateral lower extremity casts and cannot get those wet. When assessing bathing on DC, Mr. Catz can bathe all body parts except B LE. What would you score him? 

6 because the wording states if a patient cannot bathe parts of their body due to a medical condition, code based on the amount of assistance to complete the entire activity. 


At baseline Ms. Jodi doesn't use a device. On eval, Ms. Jodi is sitting EOB and completes a sit>stand with MOD A without device and MIN A with FWW with no verbal cues from therapist. How would you score this transfer? 



Prior to admission, Mr. Jones ambulated household distances independently without a device. On eval, Mr. Jones ambulates 150' with a FWW with MOD A and 10' without a device with MAX A. How would you score 150'? 

88 because you assess at PLOF level. Mr. Jones was unable to ambulate 150' without a device


Mr. Steve has a colostomy bag and an indwelling catheter. When scoring for toileting what is the therapist assessing?

Wiping the opening of the colostomy bag but not managing the bag

Completing perineal hygiene to the indwelling catheter site 
