What is the name of the tip of a shoelace (the plastic thing)?
What other name does the Bell States have?
What is Oliver's favourite movie?
Any Lord of the Rings
If you can't beat them, join them.
If one's adversaries are stronger, it is better to join their side.
What is Denmarks national sport?
Who is the author of "War and peace"?
Lev Tolstoj
How many qubits does the largest quantum computer in the world have? Plus minus 50
What is Oliver's first middle name (not Naidu)?
A miss is as good as a mile.
A failure remains a failure, regardless of how close to success one has actually come.
What happens to unwed people who turn 25?
They get tied up and their friends throw cinnamon on them.
What is the most liked instagram foto?
Lionel Messi having won the world cup with Argentina.
DTU recently hit a milestone in secure channels for QKD, how far was it?
100 kilometers.
Where did Oliver live from 2000-2003?
France (Paris)
Cut one's coat according to one's cloth.
To live within one's means, without spending more than is affordable.
What does danish students do when the finish high school?
Drive a van to every students parents, drinking and partying
Who wrote “The Magic Flute” and “The Marriage of Figaro”?
What was the name of Richard Feynmann's famous lecture in 1959?
There's plenty of room at the bottom.
What hasn't Oliver done for afterschool activites? Played cello, kayaking, horseback riding or movie-making
Horseback riding
If the mountain won't come to Muhammad.
If something one wishes to be done cannot be commanded to be done, one must find another way to achieve one's goal.
For "Karneval", it is tradition for the kids to do what activity?
Hit a barrel until it breaks and spills candy.
The pitaya fruit is more commonly known by what English name?
Dragon fruit
How many citations does Morten Kjærgaard have? Plus minus 100
What did Oliver want to be, when he was a kid?
For want of a nail.
Seemingly unimportant acts or omissions can have grave and unforeseen consequences.
What day is "Grundlovsdag"? (Constitution day)
5th June