At what time of day do Muslims begin their fast?
What is Fajr/sunrise?
What country has the largest gathering for Taraweeh prayers at the Grand Mosque?
What is Saudi Arabia?
What special nightly prayers are performed only during Ramadan?
What is Taraweeh?
What fruit is recommended to break the fast, following the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)?
What is a date?
What is the name of the festival that marks the end of Ramadan?
What is Eid al-Fitr?
What is the Arabic term for the meal eaten before dawn to prepare for the fast?
What is Suhoor?
Which country continues the centuries-old tradition of firing a cannon to signal Iftar?
What is Egypt?
Accept: Lebanon, UAE, Jordan, or Qatar
What is the name of the most powerful night of Ramadan, when the Qur’an was first revealed?
What is Laylatul Qadr? / The Night of Power?
What is the first thing the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would drink to break his fast?
What is water?
Before attending Eid prayer, what mandatory charity must Muslims give to help the less fortunate?
What is Zakat al-Fitr?
Name at least two valid reasons why a person may be excused from fasting.
What are illness, pregnancy, travel, menstruation, or old age?
What is the traditional Ramadan lantern used in Egypt called?
What is a Fanous?
How many times is Ramadan mentioned by name in the Qur’an?
What is once? / Surah Al-Baqarah 2:185
Why is Suhoor considered a blessed meal?
What is because it gives strength for the fast and follows the Sunnah?
What is the special Eid prayer called, performed on the morning of Eid?
What is Salat al-Eid?
Besides food and drink, what else must Muslims avoid during fasting hours?
What is backbiting, lying, anger, and other sinful acts?
In which country do children celebrate Ramadan by singing songs and collecting sweets in an event called Haq Al Laila?
What is the UAE?
Accept: Qatar or Bahrain
Which Surah in the Qur’an describes the blessings of Laylatul Qadr?
What is Surah Al-Qadr?
What is the traditional Ramadan drink made from dried apricots, commonly enjoyed in the Middle East?
What is Qamar al-Din?
How is Zakat al-Fitr different from regular Zakat?
What is it is a small, fixed amount given before Eid, while regular Zakat is 2.5% of wealth?
If someone cannot fast due to a long-term illness, what must they do instead?
What is feed a poor person for each missed fast? / What is paying Fidya?
What country experiences the longest fasting hours during summer due to extreme daylight?
What is Norway?
Accept: Iceland, Sweden, Finland
If someone deliberately breaks their fast without a valid reason, what must they do to make up for it?
What is fasting for 60 consecutive days OR feeding 60 poor people? / What is Kaffarah?
What is the dua (prayer) Muslims say before breaking their fast?
What is "Allahumma inni laka sumtu, wa bika aamantu, wa ‘alayka tawakkaltu, wa ‘ala rizq-ika-aftartu"?
What Arabic phrase do Muslims say to wish each other a blessed Eid?
What is "Eid Mubarak" or "Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minkum"?