The cranial nerve that facilitates the sense of taste in the posterior 1/3 of the tongue
What is CN IX: Glossopharyngeal?
A sign of liver disease seen in RBCs under microscopy
What are acanthocytes?
These are a processed antigen bits that are presented by MHC II on the cell surface
What are epitopes?
A theory on how we think about disease that focuses on external, unique causes.
What is Ontological Theory?
Our history queen.
Who is Dr. Jenna Healey?
The percentage of women presenting with new breast cancer onset that have no family history
A deficiency in Factor IX
What is Hemophilia B?
An example of this hypersensitivity reaction is Myasthenia Gravis
What is Type II Hypersensitivity?
A major blood discovery that won the Nobel Prize in 1930
What are ABO blood types (ABC acceptable as well)?
He helped us hemolyze ourselves.
Who is Dr. David Lee?
A condition we also look for while observing extraocular movements
What is Nystagmus?
A patient with IgM monoclonal proteins, ≥ 10% clonal lymphoplasmacytic cells in their bone marrow, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and anemia with evidence of bone marrow infiltration may have this plasma cell dyscrasia.
What is Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia?
The inheritance of susceptibility of familial retinoblastoma
What is autosomal dominant?
A disease likely spread from the Old World to the New World
What is Syphilis?
She is a full time physician in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Who is Dr. Laura Wheaton?
An 'approach' for assessing splenomegaly by percussing a patient along the left anterior axillary line in the supine position
What is Castell's Sign?
Hemophilia B is a bleeding disorder associated with a deficiency in this coagulation factor.
What is Factor IX?
A critical protein in the respiratory tract which binds free iron and limits bacteria from obtaining this necessary nutrient
What is Lactoferrin?
The largest single (preventable) public health disaster in the history of Canada that led to 2000 Canadians infected with HIV and 30,000 with Hepatitis.
What is Canada's Tainted Blood Scandal?
He lovessssss movies!
Who is Dr. Santiago Perez Patrigeon?
The term for delayed tendon relaxation
What is Pseudomyotonia?
A proliferation of white blood cells and platelets, but TOO FEW red blood cells.
What differentiates Primary Myelofibrosis from Essential Thrombocythemia?
A class of extended-spectrum antibiotics used for multi-resistant gram-negative bacteria
What are Carbapenems?
This disease is associated with historical stigma and racist assumptions about addiction and pain.
What is sickle cell anemia?
He introduced us to the cutest hemophilia patients
Who is Dr. David Lillicrap?