Author's Purpose
Controlling Idea/Thesis
Revising/Editing 1
Revising/Editing 2
Informational Texts

What does inform mean?

To provide information, such as facts


What is the controlling idea? Where is it found?

The main idea that the author is developing throughout the entire  text.


(1) I had always wanted to try one of those guided painting classes. (2) So when our library decided to offer such a class, I told my friend Ella, and we both signed up.

Where should Ivy should add the following sentence?

My friend Ella said we should spend time together over break, and I told her we should paint.

After Sentence 1


What types of words do you use with a comma?




What are the five organizational structures?


Problem & Solution

Cause & Effect

Compare & Contrast

Chronological / Time Sequence


What does persuade mean?

To try and get someone do to something or to make them think a certain way.


What is a thesis?

A statement that develops a specific position based on proof​​​​

I let out a sigh of relief.

What is a stronger word for let in the sentence above?

  1. Allowed

  2. Gave

  3. Breathed

  4. Made



Combine the sentences correctly using commas.

Sam has two dogs. She also has a cat and a snake.

Sam has two dogs, a cat, and a snake.


Where does the author state their position and supporting details in their introduction?



Fill in the Blank:

The author _________ the event when using a descriptive text structure.



Ten years ago, scientists thought that the weather on Mars was calm and peaceful. However, recent studies have shown otherwise. "Martian dust devils" are storms of swirling dust that can rise up to five miles in the air. Strong winds move large sand dunes, and enormous cyclones race across the planet.


What is the implied controlling idea of this passage? 

There is weather on Mars.


My numerous attempts to fix them just made them worse. (21) My stems were crooked, and when I failed to thoroughly clean my paintbrush, my sunflowers took on a greenish tint. (22) Feeling frustrated, I snuck a glance at everyone else’s paintings; I was sad. Because everyone else's paintings were perfect, while mines was not.

What is a stronger word for sad in the sentence 22?

  1. Mortified

  2. Upset

  3. Depressed

  4. Peaceful



Combine the sentences using the correct FANBOYS.

Noe ran the 800 meter race. He liked the 1600 meter race more.

Noe ran the 800 meter race, but he liked the 1600 meter race more.


The author provides the _____________ in their thesis and throughout their informational text.

controlling idea


Freddy went to Six Flags on Saturday and rode all kinds of roller coasters. There were spinning roller coasters, upside down, and crazy coasters! He had so much fun!



Cause of Colds

The common cold is caused by a virus, which travels through the air into the nose. There are more than 100 types of cold viruses! The most common is the rhinovirus.

Which sentence from this passage reflects the controlling idea?

"The common cold is caused by a virus, which travels through the air into the nose."


(6) Our first assignment was to paint a white vase of cheerful yellow sunflowers against a blue background. (7) I wanted to snag seats directly in front of the instructor, thinking I might be able to copy her strokes. (8) I quickly herded Ella to the front of the room.

(9)__________, We were asked to paint our canvas blue.

Which transitional phrase should be added?

1. In response

2. For this reason

3. As the class began

4. In the same way

As the class began


Re-write the sentence correctly below.

Although Jan understood the assignment thanks to the instructions on the board she got stuck on question four for twenty minutes.

Although Jan understood the assignment, thanks to the instructions on the board, she got stuck on question four for twenty minutes.


What two text features are used here?

Image and Caption


Mammals are one type of animal. Mammals have warm blood, fur or hair, and give birth to live young. Humans, monkeys, dogs, horses, and even hamsters are all mammals.



My mother and I were separated when I was but an infant—before I knew her as my mother. It is a common custom, in the part of Maryland from which I ran away, to part children from their mothers at a very early age... For what this separation is done, I do not know, unless it be to hinder the development of the child's affection towards its mother, and to blunt and destroy the natural affection of the mother for the child. This is the inevitable result.


Select the best evidence to support the controlling idea that enslaved family members were often separated from one another.

"It is a common custom, in the part of Maryland from which I ran away, to part children from their mothers at a very early age"


Because of the horse’s antics, Kevin rolled his eyes irritably and put the bridle on her. He wished they could afford a younger, more cooperative animal. However, Kevin’s father did not have enough money. Now as Kevin fastened the bridle, the nah stamped her feet again and pulled her head away. In spite of the horse’s resistance, Kevin kept his grip. He firmly tugged at the reins, but that did not coerce the mare to follow him out of the barn.

List all the transition words used in the passage. (Hint: 4)




In spite of


What change, if any, should be made to the sentence below?

In "The Hill We Climb" the author used figurative language to showcase the obstacles ahead for Americans if willing, need to alter.

A. Add "and" after Americans

B. Change Americans to americans

C. Add a comma after Americans

D. No Change needed.

C. Add a comma after Americans

What is the text feature used in this image?

