The cost of building the Prince Victor.
What is $45,000.
Bonus how much today. + 100 (~1 million)
Age of the Pareiasauromorpha.
What is 260 million years.
When the first vessel built in St. Martins was launched.
What is 1803.
What this piano was saved from.
What is a house fire.
The original name of St. Martins.
What is Quaco.
The largest vessel built in St. Martins.
What is the Newman Hall.
Bonus how many tons. + 100 (1525)
When walruses last lived in the bay of fundy
What is 1700s. (300 years)
Year the St. Martins map was created.
What is 1875.
The original owner of this writing desk.
Who is Benjamin Vaughan.
Bonus what was his sons name. + 100 (Benjamin Vaughan)
Made of seasoned hardwood and used to hold wooden components of a vessel together instead of large iron pins.
What are treenails/ trunnels.
Daily Double!!!
The rear of the vessel.
What is the stern.
The vessel that sailed for the longest from St. Martins.
What is the Prince Leopold.
Bonus how long did it sail. + 100 (34 years)
The area the gyrocanthus is originally from.
What is Nova Scotia.
Bonus how did it get to NB. + 100 (ice sheets or a ships ballast)
When the Prince Victor figurehead was brought to a museum.
-What is 1975. +- 5
Where is the original Vaughan rocker from.
What is a sextant.
How many shares of a typical vessel there are.
What is 64.
Monarch butterfly's take up to five of these during migration.
What are generations.
When the Union Baptist Seminary was constructed.
What is 1886.
Where David Vaughan was stuck when Rachel started building the first vessel.
What is Newfoundland-.
When the highest tides of the month are.
What is a spring tide.
A vessel with two masts with square sails on both.
What is a Brig.
The geological time period of rocks in St. Martins. (majority)
What is the Triassic.
When the Quaco Museum and Library opened.
What is 1978.
The builders of the green lantern tea room fireplace.
Who are Warren, Aubrey and Georgie Vaughan.
Morag's birth year.
What is 1948.