How many training hours does a staff need to be in compliance for an entire Fiscal Year?
For an entire Fiscal Year, staff need a full 40 hours of trainings to be in compliance. (Deductible question)
What does QIS stand for?
Quality Improvement Specialist
How many sections are there in a minor's chart (Name 3 section)?
13 sections
Program Forms
Case Management
Incidents, SIR & CLE
Discharge Documents
What does CMSS stand for?
Case Manager Support Specialist
(Deductible question)
What does PSA CM stands for and name at least two of their responsibilities:
PSA CM stands for Prevention of Sexual Abuse Compliance Manager. The PSA CM is responsible for overseeing QA and Compliance Team, oversees implementation and ongoing compliance with the Interim Final Rule (IFR) regarding Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment standards in the program (review PSASH incident, reviews and develop internal policies and procedures to comply with stablished requirements), review and debrief all Health and Safety Concerns identified in the program.
What are the running dates for TFC1, TFC2, and Shelter Fiscal Year?
TFC2 – Nov 1st to Oct 31st
Shelter & TFC1 – April 1st to March 31st
What teams/positions is the Quality Improvement Specialist responsible for overseeing?
Quality Assurance Support Aide (QASA)
Case Management Support Specialist (CMSS)
(Deductible question)
Name 3 responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Support Aide (QASA)?
To send the Post discharge audit list/ Verify due transferred charts
Sent the Daily census
Review Discharge Notification (Warning Email)
Update Staff Directory in apricot and Share Point
Discharge minor from Apricot
Conduct Portal Checks every other week
Conduct Minor's Chart audits
(Deductible questions)
What are 3 responsibilities of a CMSS?
CMSS are responsible for all QASA tasks in addition to some Case Manager’s tasks (Initial Intakes, ISP, submitting a case for discharge), accepting placement request from 5-10pm and Foster Parent chart audits. Additionally, they will start supporting the Medical Team.
What training historically provided by the PSA CM/training series does everyone haves to take and how often they need to complete this?
Staff is required to take the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSASH) series that include:
Impact of Child Abuse and Neglect (#547)
Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (#545)
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (#574)
Reporting and Boundaries: Prevention of sexual Abuse 2.0 (#27)
These need to be completed at least every 6 months in the OLC.
Who needs to be in compliance with the total number of hours needed per Fiscal Year? Who is excluded?
Everyone (Employees, Contractors, Volunteers and interns) needs to be in compliance with the total number of hours needed per Fiscal Year. No one is excluded.
What are 2 responsibilities of the Quality Improvement Specialist?
Oversee the Quality Assurance department
Stay informed on policy updates
Conduct policy meeting
Submit ORR Request
Communicate with vendors regarding FY Chart Transfer
Conduct Spot checks
Ensure compliance with record retention policy
What is the daily census & who is it sent out to? When is the email sent out?
The Daily Census is a report of all the minors account as in care for the day. This is sent to ORR staff (FFS, CFS, PO, CC) and Catholic Charities everyday at 9am.
What is the minimum number of minutes that a minor gets for their phone call on weekday and weekend? In what check does the QA team review this?
The Minimum number of minutes required is 50 minutes per week and 45 minutes on the weekend.
This is reviewed by the QA team while conducting the chart audit.
What resource/document does ORR provide us with to help determine if an incident must be reported to them and under what category it may fall? Where can this resource/document be found?
ORR provides us with the Child Level Event Glossary. This can be used as a resource to determine if an incident needs to be reported to ORR, and under what category. This can be found online, ORR shared a copy of this with us not to long ago and this is also accessible to everyone in the Safe Haven Team Portal SharePoint.
What policies are signed and renewed on a yearly basis?
Justice Center Code of Conduct, ORR Rules of Behavior, and Safe Haven Code of Conduct. (Double points)
Note that this could be signed more than once a year if the policy is updated.
What is an ORR chart request, what is the timeline for submission and who is responsible for ORR Chart request?
An ORR Chart request is a request for a minors record that is currently or previously been in our care.
Timeline for submission is 1 business day (24 hours)
For IN CARE minors- the CM/CL Team are responsible for submitting
For DISCHARGED minors- The Quality Assurance Team is responsible
(Double points)
What is The Post Discharge Audit List and how often is it sent?
The Post Discharge Audit List is a report outlining the minors who's charts are due. This is sent once a week/Every Monday.
This report is sent out to the Case Management and Clinical teams to reiterate the expected due date. Case Managers and Clinician are responsible for ensuring all required documents are filed in the chart, an informal initial audit was completed, and the chart was placed on the transfer shelf prior to the end of the day on the date the chart is due.
(Double points)
How many times a week is the Case Tracker Report sent out? And what is the purpose of this Cross Reference?
LSSNY TKPI /Case Tracker Report update is sent three times a week. To ensure accuracy the QA team checks that all the minor's listed categories match in the UC portal and Apricot. If the minor's category coincides on both UC portals and Apricot this means that the category is up to date and no further changes are needed. If the UC portal and Apricot categories do not match, the minor's category must be updated in Apricot. An email is sent out by the QA team to the Leads confirming it was completed or informing what minor’s categories need to be updated.
(Double points)
How can SASH related Incidents be reported to ORR? What are the different timeframes and categories depending on where the incident took place?
SASH related incident can be reported to ORR through a Child Level Event (CLE). Sexual abuse incidents in ORR care needs to be reported as an Emergency-Significant Incident Report (SIR) within 4 hours of learning about the incident.
Sexual Harassment and inappropriate Sexual behavior incidents in ORR care need to be reported using an SIR within 24 hours of learning about the incident.
SASH incidents that occurred outside of ORR Care (like in Home Country) need to be reported to ORR in a Historical Disclosure within 24 hours of learning about this.
(Double points)
What methods/platforms do we use to account for training hours required?
In person (all staff, policy, TCI, CPR, Sanctuary), ORR Learning Center (OLC), Training and eTracking Solutions, ACS Workforce, and HSLC.
How long is Safe Haven mandated by ORR to store minor's records?
50 Years
-As ORR’s under litigation under no circumstance should paper or electronic records be deleted or destroyed for 50 years. They should be stored in a storage facility that meets the requirements of the National Archives and Records Administration meaning that it has to be NARA Certified.
What check does the QA team conduct to ensure compliance for all UC portal documents and assessments?
Portal check, Bi-weekly (every 2 weeks).
Name 5 documents filed in Section 1 (Admission documents) of the minors' charts.
Demographic Sheet
Initial Intake Assessment
Photo of UC
ORR Placement Authorization Form
Property Possession Inventory Checklist Form
Intake Property Distribution Form
Risk Assessment
Rapid Indicator Tool
Disclosure Notice
What steps must a first responder take in the event of a Sexual Abuse incident?
1) Separate the victim, perpetrator and other Unaccompanied Children/witness & ensure the safety of all children & staff. 2)Contact emergency services as needed; look for any physical injuries the victim may have suffered. 3) Ensure a safety plan is being developed. 4) Preserve evidence such as the bed sheets and securing the area where the abuse was reported to have occurred such as the bathroom or bedroom.