radial pulse is located
wrist area
process that a drug passes from the site of administration into fluids of the body...
neutralizes stomach acid
removing gloves of the first hand, ______the palm of the opposite glove
apical pulse is located
heart area (listen to)
process of breaking down a chemical to release energy or to use energy is...
treats depression
what artery do you locate/listen to when getting a blood pressure
if the tablet is scored, it is ok to...
a normal oral temp is 97.6-99.6 F ? (true or false)
when drug has done it's job, it is removed or _____ from the body...
dilate the bronchi so there is more room for air to travel into and out of the lungs
wrap cuff around the patient's arm ____ to ____ inches above the elbow
Beginning five are....
knock, identify/explain, privacy, hand hygiene, safety
bradypnea is...
slow breathing
process of transporting a drug to the site of action
helps slow the movement of calcium across the cell and slows electrical conduction in the cells. Helps dilate arteries of the heart, control heart irregularities and treat hypertension
calcium channel blockers
directions : (what does this mean)?
ii gtts AD
2 drops to right ear
5 rights are...
2. person
3. route
5. time
tachycardia is...
fast heart rate
hypersensitivity of the immune system to a foreign chemical in the body..
allergic reaction
reduces blood pressure by preventing changes to a chemical in the liver and lungs that raise blood pressure. (Could be used for Alzheimer's)
ACE inhibitor
pt refuses 10am alprazolam due to fatigue.
how would you document this?
date/time: PT R) 10am alprazolam d/t fatigue. nurse notified. initials.