If AI is artificial intelligence, then QI is?
What is Quality Improvement?
Every practice's organization, their processes, and procedures should support this culture.
What is a culture of Quality Improvement (QI)?
Ask yourself: Who, What, Where, Why, and How.
What is the Plan?
Improving QI practices will lead to improving this for patients in your practice (the result of).
What is patient outcomes?
Attitudes, behaviors, and actions reflect what in a practice, maybe even a band?
What is culture?
Try implementing the change in a small-scale pilot/prototype.
What is Do?
A systematic, formal approach to the analysis of practice performance and efforts to improve performance.
What is QI: Quality Improvement?
This looks different in every practice, but it may include establishing regular QI meetings, creating QI goals, and establishing QI projects.
What is a culture of quality?
Refine your ideas, methods, or processes and try again!
What is Act?
Essential to a well-functioning practice and is necessary for any practice interested in improving efficiency, patient safety, or clinical outcomes.
What is QI: Quality Improvement?
The values, beliefs, and behaviors that UAB Selma Family Medicine shares to promote patient safety.
What is a culture of patient safety?
What does the data tell us? Is there anything to learn from the data?
What is Study?
The model predominantly used at this institution for quality improvement (QI)?
What is the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model for improvement?
If Boy George was the lead singer of the band Culture Club, who then leads UAB Selma Family Medicine's "Culture Club"?
Who is Each of Us?
As professionals, we are each responsible for our individual attitudes, behaviors, and actions, which helps develop the culture of quality in our organization.
A scientific method used to improve processes and outcomes in Healthcare. We use the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) method.
What is The Model for Improvement (MFI)?