I have ______ friends.
I have SEVERAL friends. or I have A FEW friends.
Q: the school - have - students - (no)
Q: Does the school have MANY / A LOT OF students?
A: No, it doesn't have MANY / A LOT OF students.
Make a question for this answer. "Bruce has a lot of shirts."
HOW MANY shirts does Bruce have?
She doesn't have ______ fruit.
She doesn't have ANY fruit.
Q: Jack - have - CDs (yes)
Q: Does Jack have MANY CDs?
A: Yes, he has MANY CDs. or Yes, he has A LOT OF CDs.
There wasn't ______ sugar in my coffee.
There wasn't ANY sugar in my coffee.
Q: sugar - take - coffee (yes)
Q: Do you take MUCH sugar in your coffee?
A: I take A LOT / A LITTLE / SOME.
I'm not hungry, I'll just have ______ water.
I'm not hungry, I'll just have A LITTLE water.
I'm not hungry, I'll just have SOME water.
Q: you - watch - TV shows (no)
Q: Do you watch MANY TV shows?
A: No, I don't watch MANY TV shows. or No, not MANY. or No, I don't watch MUCH TV.
Make a question for this answer. "I'd like a little butter on my toast."
HOW MUCH butter do you want on your toast?
HOW MUCH butter would you like on your toast?
Does this shop sell ______ different kinds of ice cream?
Does this shop sell MANY different kinds of ice cream?
There were __________ people waiting for the teacher.
There were SEVERAL people waiting for the teacher.
There were A FEW people waiting for the teacher.
Q: this cake - have - flour - yes
Q: Does this cake have MUCH flour? or Does this cake have ANY flour?
A: Yes, it has A LOT OF / A LITTLE / SOME flour. or Yes, a lot.
Make a question for the answer. "She doesn't have any pets."
Does she have ANY pets?
HOW MANY pets does she have?