This is how many people should be talking at a time.
What is one
Who wrote Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
Rudyard Kipling
What does WCPM stand for?
Word count per minute
What would be an example of a sensible decision?
*Up to teacher discretion*
Our 3 attention getters.
Doorbell, If you can hear me x, "bring it back"/ timeout
This is the type of language NOT to use!
Invective (profane/ inappropriate)
Protagonist- The main character
Antagonist- The opposition to the main character.
The who, what, when, where, why, and how per paragraph.
This is the definition of providence
A divine protection
Something from the universe is keeping you safe.
This is the day each week you take your Honor Cards home?
What is Thursday?
This is how to treat supplies.
With respect/ like you paid for it etc.
The setting of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
1800's India Bungalow
(What does it stand for AND When do we use it?)
Effect on others
What is comfort (the feeling) or a comforting item/ person
This is what you get if you get 3 detentions, chew gum, or does another behavior that is worse than that that gets you a "corrective"
Lunch detention
The perfect time to get out of your chair!
After asking permission
Resolution of the book
Rikki Tikki Tavi survives and lives in the garden with Teddy and his family.
R.A.F.T? (What does it stand for and when do we use it?)
Role, Audience, Format, Topic
Prompt analysis
On what scale are your assignments graded?
What do those point values mean in your own words?
1- Minimally Prof- Didn't get it/ didn't try
2- Partially Prof- getting there but not quite
3- Proficient-you have a solid understanding
4- Highly Proficient-you go above and beyond
This is how to handle conflict
Be accountable (own up to your actions and take a breath if needed)
Draw and label a plot map.
*Up to Ms.Runnels*
Definition of implicit AND explicit.
Explicit- Directly said. No confusion
Implicit- hinted at but not in your face.
Relevant to the present
The Horizon Pledge
I pledge to always do my best work, to learn something new every day, and to strive for academic success and to be kind to others. I am important to Horizon and so are you. (?)