Vocab Practice

This type of narrator says "I" or "we"

1st person


Which setting sounds the most suspenseful? 

A. Creaking sounds came from the normally quiet, empty room

B. The alarm went off loudly.

C. Then the light came through, brightening the room.

A. Creaking sounds came from the normally quiet, empty room

What is the meaning of the term "author's perspective" and what are common answers?

How the author views/feels about the topic. Can be narrowed down to positive, negative or neutral.


What is the tone of the following lines?

"He is pursued by the ignorant villagers,/who think he is evil and dangerous because he is ugly/and makes ugly noises."

A. Sympathetic

B. Excited

C. Confused

A. Sympathetic

How does adding the suffix "ing" to the end of the word change its meaning? 

Ex. eat --> eating 

It changes the tense to present tense (it is currently happening)


This type of narrator says "you"

2nd person


What type of archetypes would the following characters be: Sodapop (The Outsiders), Rapunzel (Tangled), Dory (Finding Nemo) 

A. Creator

B. Caregiver

C. Innocent

C. Innocent


What does the term "author's purpose" mean? 

What are the three most common purposes for writing?

WHY the author is writing, what they hope to accomplish. 

Persuade, Inform, Entertain


Which is an example of imagery?

A. She changed her mind

B. He knew what to do next.

C. The thunder clattered

D. The clock was old.

C. The thunder clattered


The word freeze is defined as 1. be turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme cold 2. store (something) at a very low temperature in order to preserve it 3. an act of holding or being held at a fixed level or in a fixed state

Which is the correct definition of freeze in "The teacher told them to freeze to listen to directions."

3. an act of holding or being held at a fixed level or in a fixed state


What do you call a narrator who gives potentially false information (due to age, mental health, manipulation etc.)

Unreliable Narrator 


What is a theme? What is it not?

The universal message of the story-can be applied to our lives. It is not one/two words, specific to the story/characters or a cliche


Which sentence shows the author's purpose of "The Spooky Science of Fear?"

A. "For some people, choosing to be scared can be fun."

B. "She has set up 'haunted houses' (walk-through exhibits of scary but harmless surprises) to see how people respond to fear."

C."Stress chemicals can make a person more alert."

B. "She has set up 'haunted houses' (walk-through exhibits of scary but harmless surprises) to see how people respond to fear."


Why a poet might repeat a line/phrase?

to show convey importance or emotion

The word brevity comes from the Latin root brev, which means “short.” 

What is the meaning of the word brevity in the following sentence "the brevity of life is astounding."

A. Seriousness

B. Small amount of time

C. Importance

B. Small amount of time


This type of narrator says "he" "she" or "they" AND knows the thoughts/feelings of ALL of the characters

3rd Person Omniscient


What makes something ironic?

It is the opposite of what is expected or what is meant OR the audience knows something that the character doesn't


Which sentence shows one of the author's central ideas of "The Spooky Science of Fear?"

A. "For some people, choosing to be scared can be fun."

B. "She has set up 'haunted houses' (walk-through exhibits of scary but harmless surprises) to see how people respond to fear."

C."Stress chemicals can make a person more alert."

A. "For some people, choosing to be scared can be fun."


Which line is proof that the tone of the stanza is somber?

A. "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary"

B. "Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—"

C. "While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,"

A. "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary"


The word bark is defined as 1. a sharp cry 2. agressive declaration 3. protective outer layer of a tree 4. Sound from animal

Which is the correct definition of bark in "I barked at my little sister for borrowing my shirt without asking."

2. agressive declaration


This type of narrator says "he" "she" or "they" AND knows the thoughts/feelings of only ONE character

3rd Person Limited


Name and describe 3 character archetypes

Sage/Mentor, Hero, Jester, Rebel/Revolutionary, Caregiver, Magician, Lover, Regular Person, Innocent, Ruler,


What is a literary criticism?

the analysis and evaluation of a work of literature


The two ways that the author builds suspense in the following stanza are...

"But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,/And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”/This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”—/Merely this and nothing more."

Through setting-"silent" "still" "nothing more"

Through repetition-"Lenore" 

Through connotation-"silence" "whispered" "murmured"


The word benefactor comes from the Latin root bene, which means “good.” 

What is the meaning of the word benefactor in the following sentence "the charity found a generous benefactor to save it."

A person who gave in order to do good.
