Declaration of Independence
Foundational Documents
Enlightenment Thinkers and Ideas
Colonies Vs. Britain

Which of the following is a weakness of the Articles of Confederation? 

A. The AOC restricted the states from collecting taxes. 

B. The AOC gave the national government too much power. 

C. The AOC gave the states most of the governmental power. 

D. The AOC made the national government responsible for negotiating treaties.

C. The AOC gave the states most of the governmental power.


The English Bill of Rights used the ideas of Natural Rights and Separation of Powers in order to...

A) Limit the government and give people rights

B) Ban any form of leader or person in charge

C) Create a system of citizen-run society

A) Limit the government and give people rights


The United States uses THIS type of democracy wherein people vote/elect others to government.

A) Representative Democracy

B) Direct Democracy

C) Social Democracy

A) Representative Democracy


How would Locke and Montesquieu feel about a government with a leader who had absolute power and control?

A) They would encourage it

B) They would be indifferent (not care)

C) They would be distressed and upset

C) They would be distressed and upset


"...we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights..."

This quote from the Declaration is a direct reference to which key idea?

A) Social Contract

B) Separation of Powers

C) Natural Rights

C) Natural Rights


Which statement from the Declaration of Independence BEST supports the concept of natural rights? 

A. "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men." 

B. "He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good." 

C. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

C) "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."








Countries that have a very weak national/central government with several strong state governments are called ________________.

A) Federal Systems

B) Confederations

C) Unitary System

B) Confederation


Our US Constitution is divided and split into 3 branches.  Which concept from Montesquieu inspired that?

A) Natural Rights

B) Separation of Powers

C) Social Contract

B) Separation of Powers


"That these United Colonies are, and Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown..."

This quote from the Declaration is...

A) The list of grievances against the king

B) The final statement of separation

C) An argument for freedom of taxes

B) The final statement of separation


Which of the following quotes from the Declaration of Independence would indicate that the colonists' decision to separate from Britain was final? 

A. …”A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” 

B. "That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown,.. ”

C. “The history of the present King of Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States."

B. "That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown,.. ”


How did Thomas Paine's Common Sense influence the colonies?

A) It cut taxes for all colonists

B) It encouraged them to stay loyal to the King

C) It inspired the colonists to resist and fight for independence

C) It inspired the colonists to resist and fight for independence


Compared to the Articles of Confederation, which statement describes one way the U.S. Constitution created a stronger national government? 

A. The national government gained the power to disband state legislatures. 

B. The national government gained the power to regulate trade between states. 

C. The President of the United States gained the power to vote in the legislature.  

B. The national government gained the power to regulate trade between states.


Both Locke and Montesquieu believed in limited government.  Which idea below is NOT related to limited government?

A) Separation of Powers

B) Social Contract

C) Paying taxes

C) Paying taxes


Which of the following was NOT included in the Intolerable Acts?

A) Closing the Boston Trade Port

B) Tax on sugar and tea

C) Taking away self-government

B) Tax on sugar and tea


"Absolute arbitrary power, or governing without settled laws, can neither of them be consistent with the ends of society and government." --John Locke 

Which of the following statements is MOST consistent with the Locke quotation above? 

A. Laws should never be changed. 

B. Absolute power is best for society. 

C. Governmental power should be limited.

C. Governmental power should be limited.


Which of the following documents is Montesquieu's ideas of separation of powers BEST illustrated? 

A. Magna Carta 

B. US Constitution 

C. US Bill of Rights 

D. Declaration of Independence

B) US Constitution


How did John Locke's idea of the social contract influence the Founding Fathers' view of government?

A. They believed that power should be divided among different branches of government. 

B. They believed that power should be divided among different levels of government. 

C. They believed that governments need to protect the natural rights of the people.

C. They believed that governments need to protect the natural rights of the people.


Diana pays her taxes, follows the laws, and makes sure her civic obligations are met.  In return, her government has created a police force and makes sure she is safe.  What concept does this describe?

A) Social Contract

B) Natural Rights

C) Separation of Powers

A) Social Contract


Which of the following was the MAIN reason the colonists were so upset with Britain?

A) They did not receive enough military support while fighting the French

B) They felt paying any taxes at all was unacceptable and wrong

C) They wanted the right to participate in government's decisions

C) They wanted the right to participate in government's decisions


This is the VERY IMPORTANT concept that NO ONE, NOT EVEN THE PRESIDENT can break the law or is above the law, no matter the situation.

A) Rule of Court

B) Rule of Law

C) Deal of Law

B) Rule of Law


The Mayflower Compact was written by early pilgrims who just settled in America.  What big idea comes from the Mayflower Compact?

A) Self-government

B) Natural Rights

C) Inspired the American Revolution

A) Self-government


Which phrase was used by colonists to show their displeasure about not having a say in laws such as the Stamp Act or Townshend Act that were being passed in Parliament? 

A. "Give me liberty or give me death" 

B. "no taxation without representation"

C. "The purpose of government is to protect our natural rights"

B. "no taxation without representation"


The social contract was an important idea for our founding fathers to include in our government because...

A) It explained the role of the king/president/leader

B) It listed all of the rights people should get for being active citizens

C) It forces the government to protect people and their natural rights

C) It forces the government to protect people and their natural rights 


"No taxation without representation!" is a quote from the colonists that...

A) Showed their frustration about not having a say in taxes/government

B) Was directed at the store owners in the colonies to lower prices

C) Expressed fear of having no British support for local stores

A) Showed their frustration about not having a say in taxes/government
