Theme & Narratives
Compare/Contrast & Summarizing
Inferences & Context Clues
Figurative Language
Standard Conventions & Sentence Structure
This is the theme of the following passage: Ruthie had 8 brothers and sisters. Sometimes they got on her nerves and sometimes it seemed as if they never got along! But the day Ruthie broke her arm, all of her brothers and sisters were by her side, trying to cheer her up.
What is family?
Name one difference between Cinderella and her stepsisters.
What is she is kind and they are mean? (Answers may vary)
Have you ever seen someone make butter the old-fashioned way? Butter used to be made in churns, which are large wooden containers with a paddle. You pushed up and down on the handle and that "churned" the cream inside. After the the cream was mixed for a long time, it became butter. This is what we can infer from the following passage: a) "churn" means to mix b) "churn" means to cook c) "churn" means to chill a)
What is a)"churn" means to mix
This is a comparison using like or as.
What is a simile?
This is the correct way to write the following sentence: don't forget to buy apples pears and oranges! my mother shouted as i left the house
What is" "Don't forget to buy apples, pears, and oranges!" my mother shouted as I left the house.
The following is or is not a narrative: Ladybugs are colorful beetles. Most ladybugs have red wings with black spots. Some ladybugs have orange wings with black spots. One ladybug even has black wings with red spots!
What is no it is not a narrative?
This is a synonym for claim.
What is a statement? (Answers may vary)
Some people like to go snorkeling when they are at the ocean. They breathe through a tube while having their faces in the water. This way, they can look at fish and other MARINE life without having to hold their breath underwater. MARINE means this. a) wild b) water c) invisible
What is b) water
"He had a heart of stone" is an example of a...
What is a metaphor?
This is an example of what kind of sentence: went to the store to buy milk.
What is a fragment?
This is an example of a narrative: a) Holes b) History Alive! c) Biography of Abraham Lincoln
What is a) Holes?
What is one similarity and one difference for Josie and Ole Ma, from the story "Our Song"?
What is Josie is more adventurous and Ole Ma is more cautious, but they are both excited about their trip to Africa. (Answers may vary)
Amphibians are animals that spend part of their lives in water and part on land. Frogs are an example. They lay their eggs in water and when they hatch, tadpoles come out. They swim and grow in the water, and as they get bigger, they grow legs. We can infer from this passage that: a) They never use their legs b) They never leave the water c) They leave the water for land
What is c) They leave the water for land
"This test will be a piece of cake!" is an example of a...
What is an idiom?
The following is what kind of sentence? I went to the park afterwards we went to the zoo and saw elephants, zebras and lions we even fed the lions dinner!
What is a run-on sentence?
These are 4 things we know about narratives?
What are (various answers: descriptive, have characters, have a setting, have dialogue, can be real or imagined, etc.)
Tell one similarity and one difference for the setting of "Our Song".
What is in Africa, the children worked and in America, Josie went to school and did not work. One similarity is that they played games in both Africa and America. (Answers may vary)
Louie's pizza shop menu does not have regular sizes on it. Instead of a "small" pizza, you order a "petite". Instead of a "medium" pizza, you order the "middling" pizza. If you're feeding a crowd, ask for the "GARGANTUAN" pizza! Gargantuan means this.
What is large?
Perry knows that his mother is getting suspicious about how many times he's asked to stay home from school. It was true that he'd CRIED WOLF about being sick a couple of times, but this morning he really did not feel well. This is what it means to cry wolf AND this is what kind of figurative language it is.
What is to make a false claim and what is an idiom?
Correct the following sentence: yes steve sighed my aunt harriet we went to the movies on friday
What is "Yes, Steve," sighed my Aunt Harriet. "We went to the movies on Friday."
These are 5 common themes.
What are answers may vary: family, friendship, overcoming challenges, good vs. evil, honesty, etc.
Video games have a negative influence on young children. Kids who play video games are more likely to show aggression in real life. It is also more likely for kids who play video games to weigh more than their peers who do not play video games. The summary for the above statement would be...
What is the speaker claims that video games are not good for kids because it makes them violent and more likely to be obese. (Answers may vary).
Have you ever watched professional car racing? The drivers wear helmets and harnesses when they are in these fast cars. If they were to crash, the VELOCITY of the accident could seriously injure them. This is why race car drivers have to protect themselves so carefully. Velocity means this.
What is speed?
Don't count your chickens before they hatch is an example of this. Also this is what it means.
What is a proverb or adage. What is: it means to be patient and don't jump to conclusions.
Correct the following sentence: i droped my ice cream cone cried my brother barry i want a knew won!
What is: "I dropped my ice cream cone!" cried my brother, Barry. "I want a new one!"