What is the math vocabulary word for the answer to a subtraction problem?
True or False.
We use the Multiplicative Comparison strategy to compare two numbers with multiplication.
4 x 3 = ?
4 x 3 = 12
I am a number with a
4 in the ones place
9 in the hundreds place
3 in the tens place
What is the answer to an addition problem?
The Sum
What is the best way to represent a Multiplicative Comparison statement with pictures?
With a bar model!
True or False- The value of a digit is where it sits in a number.
ex. In 352 the value of the 3 is hundreds.
Value is how much the digit is worth based on its place value.
Bonus: In 352, the value of the 3 is?
5 x 4 =?
5 x 4 = 20
I have...
An even digit below 3 in the ones place
An odd digit in the thousands place above 8
A 2 in the tens place
a 5 in the hundreds place
Solve the following
27,944 + 4,922
True or False.
Does the following statement have a Multiplicative Comparison statement?
Bobby as 4 times as many students in his homeroom than his Math class. Georgia has 2 times as many students in her homeroom than Math class. How many students are in Georgia's Math class?
False! There is no question!
Bonus: Rewrite this scenario so that is does represent a Multiplicative Comparison statement.
True or false, A decade is a period of 10.
6 x 3 =?
6 x 3 = 18
Write the following number in expanded form.
7,000 + 800 + 30 + 1
When do I need to regroup in Subtraction?
When the digit I am subtracting by, is larger than my first number.
ex. 4
- 9
Solve the following problem using the bar model and write an equation.
A car can hold 80 pounds of dog food. A truck can hold 10 times the amount of dog food than the car. How many pounds of dog food can a truck hold.
_80_ _80_ _80_ _80_ _80_ _80_ _80_ _80_ _80_ 80_
80 x 10 = 800 pounds
A truck can hold 800 pounds of dog food.
In fourth grade, we have learned:
-Adding/Subtracting three digit up to six digit whole numbers using various strategies.
-Place Value
-Standard Algorithm
-Multiplicative Comparisions
8 x 7 = ?
8 x 7 = 56
Think of a six-digit number and write it in standard form and word form.
Teacher check.
Solve to find the difference.
4177 - 3,523 = ?
Write a Multiplicative Comparision story to show an answer of 56.
Teacher Check.
Round the following number to the nearest 1,000.
12 x 11 = ?
12 x 11 = 132
I am a number that...
Has a sum of 2+7 in the ones place
Has a digit larger than 8 in the ten thousands place.
Has a digit that is even and less than 5 but greater than 2 in the hundreds place.
Has a 8 in the thousands place.
Has a digit that is even and less than 5 but not 4 or 0.