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This amendment gave all male citizens the right to vote.

What is the 15th Amendment?


These laws established racial segregation in the South and they circumvented the Reconstruction Amendments.

What are the Jim Crow laws?


Places that American Indian children were sent to in an attempt to assimilate, or "Americanize," them.

What are boarding schools?


During the Second Industrial Revolution some of the most striking advances occurred in the fields of?

What are steel, communications, electricity, oil, and transportation.


The system of tying someone to the land for money owed to the landowner.

What is debt peonage?


In this plan the North would use a naval blockade of Southern ports and seize control of the Mississippi River dividing the Confederacy in two and deprive it of much needed supplies to bring a swift end to the war with as few casualties as possible.

What is the Anaconda Plan?


This organization was established by Congress in March of 1865 to help former slaves adjust to freedom.

What is the Freedman's Bureau?


Plots of land set aside by the federal government for the Indians to relocate on.

What are reservations?


This Amendment gave citizenship to all people, including African-Americans, who were born in the United States and those who were not born in the United States that undergo “naturalization.” 

What is the 14th Amendment?


The President of the United States during the Civil War.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


This political group believed that the South should be punished and African Americans should be given full political and civil rights.

What are Radical Republicans?


This Act prohibited discrimination based on race  (overturning black codes), and gave all persons born in the United States, including freedmen, citizenship and guaranteed them the same rights as “white citizens.” 

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1866?


The two combatants of the American Civil War.

What are the North and the South?

What are the Union and the Confederacy?


This Robber Baron lowered his workers wages, but refused to lower the rent and other costs in the company town.

Who is George Pullman?


This was the Government's hands off approach to business and economics?

What is Laissez faire?


A business strategy where a company acquires or controls different stages of production within its industry

What is vertical integration?


She developed and sold hair care and cosmetic products for African-American women and may have been the first African-American millionaire.

Who is Madam C.J. Walker?


This type of self governing, where the people of a territory or country decide for themselves by a vote, was used to determine if new territories were to be free or slave in the Compromise of 1850. 

What is popular sovereignty?


A derogatory term used for a person from the North who moved to the South during reconstruction.  

What is a carpetbagger?


This Act gave settlers 160 acres of land for $1.65 an acre after they improving it for six months, or for free if they farmed it for five years.

What is the Homestead Act?


A business strategy where a company increases its production of goods or services by acquiring or merging with another company in the same industry and at the same level of the value chain. - eliminating the competition

What is horizontal integration?


He suggested the military strategy used by the North during the Civil War.

Who is General Winfield Scott?


This Amendment prohibited slavery.

What is the 13th Amendment?


This was the southern states attempt to preserve the structure of Southern society during Presidential Reconstruction.

What are Black Codes?


The two phases of Reconstruction after the Civil War.

What are Presidential Reconstruction and Congressional Reconstruction?
