Prehistoric Art
Egyptian Art
Etruscan Art
Greek Art
Roman Art
This is the cave that houses Prehistoric cave painitngs in Spain...
What is Altamira
This fresco secco is found on the inside of an Egyptian tomb, it features the deceased hunting in the afterlife
What is Nebamun hunting fowl
The name of the sculpture that depicts a story from the founding of Rome
What is the Capitoline Wolf
What period of Greek art was the pediment sculpture Dying warrior sculpted? (both of them were the same period)
What is Archaic
This piece of architecture keeps the arch from falling in on itself...
What is the keystone
This is the method of construction of Greek temples and stonehenge
What is post and lintel
Would you consider the Egyptian funerary statues "stylized" or "idealized", why?
What is stylized, because they're being depicted as flawless and they are all sculpted in similar stance, rigid positions. Idealized were Greek classical statues that are also flawless but are made to look heroic and flawless.
Although the Etruscan's art was very similar to Archaic Greek art, there are two distinct differences which are...
What is they were clothed and in motion (had movement)
DAILY DOUBLE!!! This sculptor used an "s" curve to show controposto...
Who is Praxiteles
Hellenistic art is different from the previous period in that, Hellenistic sculptors were more concerned with showing...
What is emotion, movement, drama, reality
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Name 3 theories for the creation of Venus statues like the Venus of Willendorf...
What is 1.toy 2. fertility charm 3. teaching girls about becoming a woman
In the afterlife, your spirit or ____ ,could come back and have lunch with your family through a false door in your tomb.
What is Ka
Romans are credited for inventing _________, _________, and _____________; Etruscan engineers were really the inventors.
What is highways, sewer systems, and aqueducts.
What feature of Classical sculpture separates it from Archaic sculpture? -specific innovation that stated in the classical period
What is controposto
Sculpture in this period of Roman art can be described as crowded and lacking depth...
What is Late Imperial
This cave was discovered by a "robot", also why is robot in quotations?
What is Lascaux, the dog's name was Robot.
Ancient Egyptian civilization went pretty much unchanged for ________ years!
What is 3000 years!
We have an idea of what Etruscan civilization was like because of densely packed and decorated __________.
What is tombs in a Necropolis
This was admired so much by the Greeks, they believed that "man was the measure of all things", besides depicting gods this was the other subject of choice...
What is the human body
DAILY DOUBLE This is the name of the statuary of the Republican period of Roman art that feature heads of elderly men
What are Veristic Busts
This temple was designed to blend in with its surroundings and to celebrate a pharaoh
What is the Temple of Hatshepsut
This is the name of the Pharaoh who changed the religion of Egypt and Mrs. Hornsby refers to as the Kennedy's of Ancient Egypt-why does she think that? -2 part answer
Who is Akhenaton and because in Akhenaton and family it is the first intimate portrayal of an Egyptian Pharaoh and his family, like JFK was the first president to let the press photograph his family.
This is the name of the Etruscan sculpture that was on top of a temple, depicts a god...(its 500, bc I never told you to know the title of this sculpture)
What is Apollo from Veii
The mathematical formula used to create the perfect temple.
What is y=2x+1
This building was built to celebrate all the Gods of Rome, it features a ______ ceiling and also has a natural spotlight that is the _________.
What is Pantheon, coffered, occulus